Chapter 45

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"How did you know it was a set up?"

"There were a thousand more waiting inside the city."

"What? It's not like we haven't gotten past sneak attacks before."

"You barely made it into the city. Look at you." He stands up, and pulls a First Aid Kit off of a shelf. Then he sits next to me, and pulls out a wrap.

"No. You are not sticking that kulnk on my head."

"You need it."

"No thank you..."


"If she doesn't want your help, don't give it to her. No use wasting your time," Minho buds in.

I smile and nod at Minho. He smirks at me, but I can tell he's mad from what just happened.

Thomas stands up, and puts the kit back on the shelf.

I place my hand on the back of my thumping head. Blood. It's pouring out. I look at Thomas, who raises an eyebrow at me, and crosses his arms. "I still don't want that bandage."

"A towel?"

"That'd be nice."

He reaches over, and grabs the box he just put back up. He pulls out a towel, then proceeds to hand it to me. "That's not gonna do much."

"Thanks." I grab the small towel, and place it on the back of my head. Ow...

Thomas takes a seat next to me. Beep. Beep. His watch is going off. He presses a button on the side of the communicator.

"Thomas. You guys need to come back, now. Ava requires McKenzie's presence." It's Joshua.

"Ok. We're on our way." The watch turns off, and Thomas looks over at me.

"What was that about?"

"I know just as much as you do."

I breath out a sigh, and lean my head against the wall of the Berg. "How are you doing?"


"No, I mean with-"

"I know what you mean. I'm fine."

"I was just trying to start-"

"Yeah well, maybe you should try a less sensitive topic, ok?"

"Ok. What do you want to talk about?"

"I miss her so much..." I hear him choke on his words.
Umm...ok, Thomas. Great subject. "I know you do."

"You only had to miss Newt for a day. This is forever..."

"Yeah." I get it Thomas. Life's super hard for you. I hate thinking like that. He's having a hard time. I wish I were better with advice.

"What did you do? When you found out Newt was your boyfriend, and I had killed him."

I laugh. "Well, I asked Joshua to help me kill you."

"Hm." He looks at me, then over at Minho.

"What, no. No, Thomas." I lightly grab his arm.

"I'm just kidding," he laughs as he smacks my hand.

"Oh," I smile and close my eyes. I take in a deep breath, "It was stupid of me. I was angry and bitter towards you. I didn't even really know you. But I'm glad I do now, of course. You're one of the few friends I have."

"You have friends-"

"No, I mean. True friends. I barely see anyone any more. And the people I do see...well...I'm a different person since the Scorch. It's as if they have to get to know a total stranger."

"You're not different."

"You didn't even know me Thomas," I start laughing.

"I was trying to be supportive! Give me a break." He smiles.

"Oh, ok."

My smile turns to a frown. I get this feeling suddenly. Something really bad is about to happen...

After the Death Cure ( The Maze Runner )Where stories live. Discover now