|Chapter 137 : Feast|

Start from the beginning

"That's pathetic"

"Be nice, Blaise"

"I am being nice- anyway how's your wrist?"

"It's still in pain if that's an answer" I told him laughing as the seats around us started to get filled in as I turned to Draco after he took the space to my left

"Is it true?" He asked quietly as I turned my head to him as he looked at me with a smirk as I tried to keep mine small

"Ask him yourself" I said to him amused as he turned his head around to them and hissed at them quietly as I turned around and watched

"Potter! Potter!" He said quietly until he and Ron turned around as he smirked at them

"Is it true you fainted?" He asked as Theodore pretended to faint and he glanced at him before turning back to the two as I swapped smirks with Theodore as I turned around amused

"I mean you actually fainted?"

"Shove off Malfoy" Ron said annoyed as Draco turned back around as he tried to contain his laughter

"Bloody hell, I didn't think it was true, that's just pathetic-"

"Hey! I think you've forgotten that I couldn't breathe" I reminded him laughing as he turned to me with a small grin

"Yes, but the difference is I get along with you and not with them" he said to me amused as I shook my head and turned back around, glancing up, I caught sight of Pansy staring between the two of us wide eyed, Daphne sitting there with a confused look


"You two? Talking? To each other without insulting one another?-"

"Or without throwing a seven hundred page hardback Ancient Runes book at one another?"

"What do you mean at one another? It was Lia that threw the book"

"I never thought I'd see the day where you two would be getting along" Pansy carried on from Daphne quietly as a smile found its way onto my face and I glanced at Draco

"Sorry about hitting you with that book"

"That wasn't a sincere apology"

"No I know, you deserved it-"


"It's really not that debatable-"

"So have you sorted things out with your mother?" Blaise asked curiously as the doors opened and the first years walked in, smaller than usual in size as I shook my head

"No, I'm refusing to talk to her. She kept trying to talk to me and send me letters after I had left, so I ignored her because I'm a delightful person to be around- why the fuck are these kids so small?" I asked laughing as the sorting started and I met Pansy and Daphne's confused looks

"I'll explain in the common room- oh! Astoria is getting sorted!" I said quietly as I watched Daphne's younger sister walk up to the stool, reminding me instantly of eleven year old her as the hat slipped down over her eyes and everything was quiet for a moment before the hat had made up its mind

"Slytherin!" Cheering and clapping with everyone else, I watched as she made her way over to the other first years with a proud smile on her face as I sat back grinning

"Well that's our job done- I don't really care who else gets sorted"

"What do you mean by that? Blaise's sister is still to be sorted!" I hissed at her laughing as she shot Blaise a smile as I shook my head amused, looking up just as Thalia sat down on the stool and I winked at her, a grin crossing her face before the hat slipped down over her eyes and Blaise sat there anxiously as I poked his head and he tried to give me a smile before looking back to her as the hat finally made up its mind

"Slytherin!" Cheering and clapping just as loud as Blaise we watched as she walked towards our table grinning as the table finally quieted down and we watched as the line got smaller and smaller, everyone turning when Dumbledore stood up

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