I changed into normal sleeping clothes. Blow out the candle and the room starting to get dark but can see clear the stars outside. Y/n would love to see this. There are so many stars. She loves stars.

"Y/n, are you asleep? The stars are so bright tonight."

No response. I sighed. Then, i proceed to go onto the bed and sleep beside her. I turned my body to her. I sighed again because I only see her back. She still had her hair up so I slowly pulled her tie down and put it at the table beside our bed.

"I started to fall in love with you deeply when you accidentally fell onto the ground while using your gears. And when you fell from horse when your horse standing in the hind legs. When you look at the stars and telling me the name of the stars. When you baked, when you starting to cry because the food you trying to cook were burned and failed. I'm in love with your bravery, elegance, yet clumsy. I love all of your imperfections, y/n. I'm sorry, if my words were too harsh that evening."

"Yes, I WAS in love with marie, but not as deep as I fell in love with a wonderful woman and that is you, my love. Forgive me, love. I hope you hear this."


Well, she can snore very loud when she's too tired. Even today with don't do much but she's probably tired of crying. I sighed again and I gently play with her hair until I fell asleep.


I woke up by the ray of the sun hitting on my face. I felt heavy on my chest, I look down onto my chest and I smiled. I gently pat her head. I won't wake her up until she do.

Y/n's pov

I don't know what happened, but I woke up to myself putting my head on erwin's chest and hugged him so tight. Embarrassing.

I'm here just about to wear my clothes and wear my uniform. Erwin is at his table writing something again. Then, he folded it and put it the drawer. Every letters that he wrote he put it in his drawer. I don't know what is that for.

We went out from the room and geared up and where our capes. Ride our horses and march towards the wall maria. As we were on the wall, the villagers suddenly gave us cheers to us. This is first time. I can see Erwin looks kinda happy and his spirit has risen. He then shout to the crowds showing the sign of zeal. Then the crowds replied back makes him shout again.

Then we marched towards the wall to retake it back.


We arrived at the wall of maria. It was pretty easy that eren successfully seal the hole but it was kinda odd. As they said, there's no other titans and anything that could obstructed us from doing our operation.

Then few minutes, armin that blonde chick thought about checking in the wall. Then it is true, reiner coming out from the wall and stabbed one of the soldier that found a crack.

( I bet yall already know about reiner and beast titan came and all that stuff im too lazy to type. So skip!)

As things getting critical. Erwin asked me to go kill the titans too. The beast titan is throwing the rocks. So annoying.

"How about you,erwin?"

"I'll be fine,"

Then I went to eren and the others.


Erwin's pov

The armoured titan is climbing up the walls. Armin helped me with his intelligent. He's doing well with planning and even discovered that reiner is hiding in a wall.

I told levi to protect the horses because y/n is already there to protect eren. Of course, mikasa too. But levi is our elite soldier so I trust him with taking down the beast titan and protect the horses.

Then, an armoured titan finally on top of the wall. Eren changed into his titan and the planed worked. Reiner followed him and he took the bait as I want eren to be as a bait.

I was so eager to look at the secrets. To know the truth until I sacrificed many of my comrades. I am indeed a selfish person.

They successfully killed the armoured titan with thunder spears. I bet y/n just doing fine there. Ah, she's coming.

"Why did you come here?" I asked. It's still not over yet. " I came to make sure you are okay. I left you for awhile. Something could happen to you," she should just follow my order.

"As you can see, I am fine. You should go and do what you were told to. Go back to them and do your job," I saw y/n looking down and grabbing her blades way tighter.

"The last time I followed your command makes your arm gone. Today, if I follow your command again not only another arm will be gone but your whole body. I'm here by your side for a reason. To protect you! That's my duty. So don't tell me to go protect eren, mikasa is already there."

She's being too much. Why can't she understands that she should trust my judgement. I know what I'm doing.

"I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. You're not here to babysit me." I replied

"How can you be so confident with your condition like that? Yet you're still so eager to go to the basement and-"

"It's an order. Go to them, and protect eren. Keep your stubbornness out of this." I cut her. Y/n look at me with her worried mixed with anger in her face. She went without saying anything and go ahead following my order. Even if I die, I'm sure she'll be fine. My main goal is the basement. That's what matter the most.

What now? Bertholdt? He finally formed into his titan form. What are you going to do now, beast titan?

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