" why'd you do that?" She asked while rubbing her head. Karl who was laughing stopped when a very ugly glare was thrown his way by Ailee.

"Because you were being overdramatic" I stated and Karl winked at me, he was enjoying this fully. Ailee gasped and glared at me and then at Karl.

"You both are the meanest people on this planet" she huffed and pouted, I started laughing at her childish remark but when I looked at Karlos, he was having heart eyes pointed towards Ailee, he is totally whipped and I totally ship them.

I slapped his head making him drop the spoon he was holding, it clanked on the floor. Ailee looked at me and then started chuckling.

"Serves you right," she said while laughing. She threw a french fry at Karl which landed straight on his face and left a long trail of ketchup. Karl scowled but it dissolved into a very wide smile when he looked over at Ailee, mischievousness was reflecting on his face, suddenly ketchup dripped from Ailee's hair. I was shocked and so was she. Ailee gasped and threw whatever she could grab from the table at Karl, resulting in a food fight. I smiled at that and just like that a small conversation with my friends lifted my mood. All the worries were covered with a layer of happiness sent by my best friends.

"Guys enough" I tried to stop them but was answered with a burger patty and ketchup on my face. Great, now I have to wash all of this. Taking off the food from my face, I grabbed lettuce from my burger and threw it on both of them and joined their crazy food fight. The whole cafe was looking at us weirdly but we didn't care we were enjoying the fight way too much. Laughter was heard and food smashing sound was echoing in the room. I looked around and saw students throwing their food on others making our friendly fight into a war.

I squealed when a slice of tomato landed on my head and slipped to my nose then my chin and rested on top of my chest, it was cold. Ailee and Karl nudged me.

"Let's go, this is getting out of hand and I am not interested in going to the principal to explain all this," Karl said as we all nodded leaving the messy room silently and dodging food thrown in the air.

We went separate ways to the washroom to clean ourselves when the school intercom rang.

We've been notified about the chaos happening in the cafeteria and all the students present in the cafe are ordered to stay there until the principal arrives, I repeat all the student present in the cafe stay there until the principal arrives.

It went silent in the whole school. The noises coming from the cafe were quite down.

"Guys I think we should run before anyone catches us and we get into trouble," Ailee said after the intercom lady disconnected the mic. She was right.

"But we are not clean and our clothes are all sticky," Karl said, removing a slice of cheese from his shirt. I looked down and my once white shirt, now yellow and blotches of red were here and there. The same goes for my black jeans. I looked towards Ailee and she was no good, her dress was completely ruined with ketchup and other sauces with small vegetable pieces sticking to her face and hair. It was very uncomfortable.

"I think A is right we should probably skip today before we get caught," I said and waited for Karl to approve our idea. He simply grabbed my hand and took off Ailee was behind us. We ran out of the school and into the parking lot before buckling ourselves in the car and drove off. We were laughing when we reached the road.

People were staring at us like we were crazy, well who wouldn't when 3 teenagers were driving, covered in different kinds of burgers and fries, laughing their asses off. Yeah, who wouldn't. we were at a safer distance from the school, driving towards the suburbs. We were having fun, music blasting from the radio, Karl singing like he is in some type of reality show and Ailee smacking him every once in a while whenever he missed a note and screamed the part. So yes, it was fun. When our clothes started to dry from the air than only we decided to stop at a diner and clean ourselves.

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