Scottie grumbled as he digged into his bag. Luckily they been scavenging for a while and fighting a few monsters here.

Scottie dug out 30 gold coins.

Beloukas: Thank you for doing business with you~~~!


Scottie held onto the egg very excited about the dragon inside of it. He couldn't wait for it to hatch.

Scottie: I can't wait for you to grow big and strong. You're gonna raise hell~! Heh heh heh heh~!

His teammates sweatdropped while following behind him. He's been talking to that egg since they left Beloukas' shop...

Lock:...I've never seen Sir Scottie look so happy before.

Alyssa: I guess it had something to do with the dragon egg.

Hazel: Yeah, he's holding it like a mother would do with their baby...

Scottie: Oi? You idiots done talking behind my back.

His teammates flinched. They do not want to mess with the scottish temper.

Scottie: Anyway, let's go visit the village nearby.


Alyssa: I can't believe they let us stay in the inn for free.

Alyssa said to Hazel, who was already lounging in her bed.

Hazel: It was very kind of them. Though Scottie was having his doubts about it.

Alyssa: Agree. He told me even though it was nice of them. He expect they wanted something out of us. They also scraped together some provisions for us.

Hazel: BTW, I heard guys fought very hard during the Wave of Catastrophe.

Alyssa: Yes we did. However, our "reward" was more than we bargained for.

That sunk the pleasant air around them making things a bit tense.

Hazel:....Yeah....So, Ummm...why did you and Lock join Scottie's team?

Alyssa: Because he offered to help us when no one else did. Before I met him, my sister went missing and her party members, the ones who are with the first princess, act like she doesn't exist...and Sir Motoyasu...God, I never thought I would end up hating someone so stupidly naive...

Hazel: Oh do tell.

Alyssa: When I asked him. He was pretty clueless of her whereabouts and he was too busy asking me on a date to even be actually concern of her!

Hazel: Oh yeah, so he's a player. The worst kind of men we women hate to deal with.

Alyssa nodded.

Alyssa: Seeing him act like that made me realize that he is nowhere near a hero like Sir Scottie is! Despite his blunt rudeness, Sir Scottie is actually helping me find my sister and Lock...Well I don't want to tell much about Lock's backstory...but since he's a demi-human. I'm sure you're aware of how Melromarc treats them.

Hazel grimaced at that.

Hazel: Yeah....Sorry I asked...I'm just curious...

Alyssa:....I hope I do find my sister. Yesterday, Sir Scottie told me after we're done helping out the villages, we were going to go investigate on the outskirts of town where she was last seen...

Hazel:...I have high hopes that you'll find her.

Alyssa: In the name of God, I hope so....

Hazel: Also...about Lock...Is he okay with...ya know, what happened to him earlier...?

Alyssa paused for a moment. Lock was tortured the underground dungeon. Going through such an horrific experience makes a person's wonder how are they still sane after all that...?

Lock seems okay now but.......

Alyssa: I...don't know...

Hazel: Hmm...


Scottie: Are you kidding me...? Goddamnit Ren...

Another village ended up getting sick with the flu due to Ren's poor actions by unleashing the plague. One village was destroyed thanks to Itsuki and another village was completely overtaken by the plant thanks to Motoyasu, but Naofumi and his party were taking care of that. The herbicide he had made was able to procure had taken into effect.

Meanwhile, the village Scottie and his friends were in now had received no help from Melromarc, So Scottie and the others were forced to take drastic actions.

The village that was overthrown by the Plague was called Emerald Village.

They walked into the infirmary. There in the beds or covered in sheets were many young men, women, and children.

Lock: This is terrible...

Alyssa: All because Melromarc refused to help them.

Because it turns out the reason why, is because there were rumors this village is associated with demi-humans.

Scottie: Damn that trash king. Your people are dying and you're not doing a damn thing to stop it. All for the sake of some petty war!

Turns epidemic in their village had broke out, high fever flares up, then body starts to feel weak and sluggish.

The village chief approached him wearing a surgical mask.

Chief: I'm very sorry about all this, Gun Hero. For you to see our village in such a state. The virus, after the just spreaded everywhere...

A/N: Corona Virus in a nutshell...

Scottie: Don't worry about it. We're here to help. We're going to do as much as we can.

The village head nodded as he went to go help the nurses. Scottie and his crew then puts on a white surgical mask so they wouldn't get sick or infected.

Scottie: Hazel, we're gonna need you to look up a cure and work on it.

Hazel: Leave it to me!

Scottie: Lock. You and I will go look for the materials.

Lock: Got it.

Scottie: And Alyssa.

Alyssa: Yes?

The gun hero smirked at her.

Scottie: It's time to put your healing powers to the test.

Alyssa nodded.

Alyssa: (Here goes nothing...)

Healing Magic: Purification

Her entire body was enveloped in a holy light.

Legacy Of The Gun Hero (Rising Of The Shield Hero OC) (Hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ