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Twenty nine... Sally couldn't believe her boy was that grown. She still marveled at that life of his, so happy and full even after the rough teen years. She was sure one couldn't be happier than a mother looking at her absolutely amazing son and his wonderful wife whom she loved like her own from the very first time she's met her. Her grandkids were coming over for the weekend and Estelle was already bubbling with joy as they shuffled out the car, the eldest, Victoria, running for her best friend, the younger and clumsier kids in tow.
She greeted them, her and Paul assuring Percy and Annabeth that they could leave, they'd send a couple photos, call them if necessary... And so her son and daughter in law finally let them start some well deserved spoiling.

The car was so quiet for a while that Percy and Annabeth savored the moments, the empty spots in the back unnaturally odd. "I can hear the silence, " Annabeth whispered.
"Right?!" Percy laughed in the passenger's seat. "What is the protocol?"
Annabeth spared him a glance, putting their playlist on. "We can literally do whatever we want, host a game of flag, throw a party, order spicy food..."

Annabeth's phone rang a couple times before Percy picked up, voice rough and tired. "Hello?" He checked the display to see the caller just as Victoria laughed through the phone.
"I told you he'd be dead tired like all the old people we come visit with school." It was Percy's little sister that struck the blow of comparing him to the elderly in retirement homes. It wasn't far from the truth.
"We-" Percy scooted off the couch and went to the next room. "We had a great time you little weasel," Percy addressed his sister, "and thank you my sweet child for having my back."
"I just called to say goodnight. Soph and Charlie are already down and grandma's still cuddling Ollie. I- tell mom goodnight."
"I will sweetie, goodnight to you too. Love you. Even you, you little rat child. So don't stay up late... But do sleep in so grandma and grandpa let you guys stay over again-" Percy checked that Annabeth was still snoozing, the PlayStation controller still in hand. "I beat your record by the way so who's the grandpa now." The girls tried to argue that but he just laughed and ended the call.


"I will not yield." Annabeth laughed out as she beat him for the hundredth time in the ancient game of Tom&Jerry, house trap... They watched a couple episodes of Stranger Things before, took turns in the single player games, played some multiplayer and ate their food, getting so weirded out because nobody was trying to steal either their controllers or food off of plates.


"Hey Wise girl, it's past ten, just the time to take ourselves to bed..." She stirred on the couch and the controller slipped out of her hold, Percy caught it with ease. "I take it I get the privilege to carry you up?"
She mumbled something that resembled a yes and he proceeded to scoop her up. Annabeth put her hand around his neck and let herself be carried into the bed even though she was fully capable of going on her own. "I love you Seaweed brain, even if we're just a bunch of old farts to our daughter and your too honest little sister."
"They are way too honest, right..."
"Ehmmm, but I do miss them."

They brushed their teeth and scraped up some leftover energy to do face masks together before they truly lay down, reminiscing on the times they struggled through school with one kid already and still somehow managed to attend the classes and sport teams... They agreed they could truly do anything together. Nothing was impossible for the couple connected by faith. Annabeth's read a lot of books, in fact she probably needed to go on a trip to IKEA to hunt for a new bookshelf... And in some of those books you could find lovers connected by bonds as strong as the one they had. Percy was her person and she was his, until the end and beyond. They were Will and Elizabeth, Bill and Fleure, Tessa and Will or Emma and Julian, Hiccup and Astrid... Their life threads were tied together, pulling them close since the very first time Annabeth took her life into her own hands. They were Aelin and Rowan, mates, soulmates, whatever one called the love you shared seventeen years after you first met, the views of the other astronomically different.
"Seaweed brain."
"Wise girl..."

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