Chapter 40| Change of plans

Start from the beginning

"Do I call Calvin? Shit, what do I do?" We waddle our way through the parking lot into my car.

"We'll call him at the hos-" she tightens her grip and groans loudly. I bite down my lip and she quickly exhales. "Sorry," she gulps. "I think that was a contraction."

"We really have to get you to the hospital!" I help her get into the passenger seat.

"She's eight centimeters. She should be able to start pushing in about an hour or so." The nurse announces before she leaves the room.

Gaby clutches onto the bed railings, breathing out slowly. I watch her as she squeezes her eyes shut with drips of sweat falling down her face.

"Gaby!" The door swings open as Calvin rushes in. I haven't been in the same room as Calvin since the whole incident.

He rushes to her side, looking at her with such worry. Gaby opens her eyes and instantly sighs in relief when she sees him. Ever since we got to the hospital she's been almost anxious that he wouldn't make it. But the minute they make eye contact everything in her relaxes. He kisses her forehead which seems to bring more relief to her.

Seeing him nearly knocks the wind out of me. I breathe in a sharp breath and that's when we meet eyes for the first time again.

"Selena." He says almost with surprise.

"Hi." All of the words in my vocabulary have disappeared. My mind is pure blank. I didn't expect to see him again. Especially on the day he's going to become a dad.

He side smiles at me then takes Gaby's hand. I go to the chair nearby, grabbing my bag. I throw it over my shoulder and say, "Good luck, both of you, but I should get going. I'm extremely late for-"

"Please stay." Gaby gently gets ahold of my wrist. I look down at her hand then back at her. She means it. I can see it in her eyes.

"It'd mean so much to us if you stayed." She begs.

"I—I Uh,"

"Please, Selena," Calvin adds in.

"You guys want me to see your baby's birth? After everything we've gone through?" My voice breaks.

Gaby nods then tightens her grip around my wrist. She groans as another contraction hits. I look at the monitor and the contraction looks stronger than the rest.

After the contraction is over I sit back down on the couch, plugging in my headphones so I don't feel like I'm eavesdropping on their conversation. Calvin pulls a chair by Gaby's bed and stays there the whole hour.

Seeing them talk without hearing any words makes me realize that they're a way better couple than Calvin and I ever were. They look into each other's eyes with such love and hold each other's hand so gently.

I wonder if that's what people mean when they say that Grayson and I look so in love.

Gaby starts groaning even louder which makes me turn off my music. Nurses flood inside the room, checking everything on her. The doctor follows behind the nurses then sits near the end of the bed.

Gaby starts groaning again in pain and Calvin goes on one side of her. She glances over at me and reaches her hand out. I give her a warming smile and grab her hand. She immediately digs her nails into my hand, making me suck in a breath. My eyes widen at how hard she's digging but I bite my lip in silence and look at the doctor and nurses.

They all started preparing her and make Gaby put her legs up on two rests. "I'm going to need you to start pushing, Gabrielle." the doctor glances up at her. Gaby clenches my hand and Calvin's as she takes her first push. He counts to ten then let Gaby take a deep breath. She shuts her eyes and moans in pain as she takes a breath. I put my hand behind her neck and rub the back of it, hoping it soothes her for a split second.

The doctor keeps instructing her to push, with ten-second breaks. She rests her head back and tears flood out of her eyes. "I can't do this, I can't."

"Yes you can, you're almost done, sweetheart." Calvin kisses her hand.

She rolls her eyes at him, "Shut up."

I look at her as she breathes in and out. She looks exhausted and sweaty and uncomfortable. Anything far from a mother's glow. She cries in pain and started pushing again. About forty-five minutes later and the baby still wasn't out. Gaby looks exhausted and keeps saying she can't do it.

"Gabrielle, we're going to have a baby in the next push, so give it all you got." The doctor tried to encourage her. Gaby takes a deep breath and starts pushing. She yells loudly yet quiet, and probably made my hand bleed. Then baby cries started filling the room. Gaby sighs in relief, immediately laying her head back down. The doctor places the baby on Gaby's chest and that's when all the tears come out. Calvin and Gaby cry as they look down at their baby. Calvin kisses Gaby's temple as she chuckles down at her newborn son.

I step back and let them enjoy their little family moment. My ex-boyfriend and friend just had a baby. Eight months ago I couldn't even imagine their family. But now I know that they're going to be the best parents to their son.

They take the baby and bring him across the room to clean him up. Calvin cuts his cord and I record it, smiling widely behind the camera. They let Gaby and the baby have skin to skin after he's cleaned up which makes my heart melt. He rests his free hand across her chest, opening his eyes every few seconds.

"You guys enjoy your moment, I'll be in the waiting room." I excuse myself.

"Will you be back, Sel?" Gaby and Calvin looked at me with the baby in Gaby's arms. I nod before walking out the door. I take the elevator downstairs and check my phone. My phone is flooded with missed calls and texts from Grayson.


I immediately call him back, hoping I didn't freak him out too much.

"Selena! Why haven't you been answering your calls? I've been worried-"

"I just saw Gaby give birth."

"What?" He asks in disbelief.

"We ran into each other and next thing I know her water breaks in the store, and then Calvin showed here and they wanted me to stay then-"

"Hey Hey Hey! Calm down. What hospital are you at? I'll be there in like ten minutes."

I send him my location then wait in the waiting room anxiously. I need a break after everything that happened today.

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