Elyria: "just answer me this... Why did you carry Fylis back to us? You could've just left... No skin off your back as you humans would say." As Lexington gives her an honest stare.

Lexington: "cause it was the only right thing I could do in that situation." He says with respect as Elyria puts her weapons away and looks towards the Huntsman.

Elyria: "you're the Huntsman Grixi mentioned, My name is Elyria of the Wolf Tribe." She greets to Alec.

Alec: "the Wolf Tribe? Your mother must be Kylia then?" He asks as Elyria nods when Alec scratches the back of his head.

Lexington: "something wrong?" He asks noticing but Alec motions everything's fine.

Elyria: "well I know this is blunt but I wanna be a huntress." She says as Alec while he appreciates her honesty motions her to explain. "Well like you said, the last elf to be in your order was over a 250 years ago, I wanna change that... My people deserve to have hope, hope that they to can be more than hermits in the woods." She says as Alec stands there for a moment finding that last part to he kinda funny.

Alec: "okay... Just lemme see how much magic you have." He says placing his hand on her head. "Hmm you got a good amount and seems you got some training." He says while Lexington gets on his horse. "Alright you can come along but how are you gonna follow?" He asks as Elyria whistles loudly when a brown colored direwolf runs into view causing Lexington's horse to freak out and buck Lexington off.

Lexington: "what the phoenix hell!?" He asks surprised as Elyria pets the direwolf.

Elyria: "say hello to Ryris, don't worry he won't eat you or your horses." As Lexington looks at the huge direwolf as Elyria gets on it. "Let's go now shall we?" She asks as Lexington hops back on his horse and follows but keeps his distance from Elyria's direwolf.

Alec: "tell me, is your mother well?" He directs to Elyria.

Elyria: "she's... Not happy with me since I'm leaving to be a huntress, I know she's just worried for my safety but she really didn't want me to leave." As Alec looks over at her.

Alec: "that's... Motherly affection for you." As Elyria scoffs with amusement.

Elyria: "so it's true? Demons are roaming the surface again?"

Alec: "it is, good thing I found two worthy recruits should things get out of hand." He states as Elyria acknowledges this as she slows down riding next to Lexington.

Elyria: "Lexyingtan right?" As Lexington looks at her for how she said that. "Sorry... Human names aren't my specialty, I'll just call you Lex." She says as Lexington nods.

Lexington: "that works." He states as there's a brief moment of silence. "so... I don't have to worry right? About you killing me in my sleep?" He asks as Elyria looks over.

Elyria: "you do not, we aren't friends by any means but I'm not gonna hurt you cause... What you did by giving us Fylis' body and how much care you had setting him down... You have my appreciation." As Lexington looks over and nods as the ride for the most part is quiet as it gets late at night while Alec is setting up camp but Lexington notices he's doing something.

Lexington: "what are you doing?" He asks confused as Elyria gets his attention.

Elyria: "he's putting up a magical warding, it'll scare off anything like ghouls, spirits among other things." As Lexington looks in surprise and asks how she knows this. "I read a lot of books about magic though books were hard to come by given I lived in the forest my whole life." She explains as Alec finishes putting up the warding and kneels before the fire.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now