Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers

Start from the beginning

"I'll go with you."

He had stared at her waiting for her to decide. "Then I will meet you out back. Take too much time and I will think you have changed your mind."

"Won't you help me with my cape?"

Another small step to manipulate him and he knew it. He left the parlor and stepped into the hall. "Earnest, help your mistress with her cape. She seems to have regressed to being six years old again." He continued on his way hearing the growl of frustration coming from her.

A smile crept upon his lips. He never knew taming a shrew would be such a challenge.

Once he was outside, he was pleased the skies were still clear of rain. Earlier, he had wondered if it would rain and spoil his plans.

Thomas, the man who had seen to harnessing the horse to the chaise, drove out of the carriage house. As instructed, the top was down. He had the urge to step in and make Charlotte climb in by herself, but that would be taking things too far.

He heard the door open and turned to see her coming down the steps while breathing like a dragon. Fire shot from her eyes as well as her breath. To throw her off, he frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"If you plan to pout during this outing you can stay home," he warned. She stopped, started to turn and walk back inside. "Do it and I'll give those damn opera tickets to someone I see at the park. Best you make up your mind about me. I'm not the kind of man you can control, Charlotte."

Her hands balled into a fist but her face relaxed. "I will definitely take what you said to heart. Shall we go?"

In answer, he held his palm out to her to help her into the carriage. He was tempted to take a detour so she would have time to calm down. Not that he cared. He loved the fire in her.

After she made herself comfortable, arranged the skirt of her dress, he walked around and climbed in beside her. "The house is not far from here. It's walking distance, but the park isn't. By the message I received, the house is reasonably sized. There are modern bathing chambers, four bedrooms, and two parlors including an office."

He snapped the reins and watched her grab the metal armrest as the horse jolted forward. "I was warned the house needed simple repairs. We will have to see what can be done and other items postponed. I want access within a month or two at most. I plan to go to Maywood for a few weeks, perhaps a month. It needs my attention. Michael agreed to keep abreast of my business dealings and send me what I need."

Everything he'd said was news to her. "I thought you planned to stay with us."

"My dear, only until we left for Kendal. Ben invited us there for a visit, then we are to travel to visit your parents. If I am not mistaken, the idea is to intervene if my father wishes to start trouble. There is a possibility I will ride ahead to Maywood to see if the staff has made the house livable, then meet all of you at Ben's manor house. After today's display, you may prefer to see me gone sooner. Which I may consider."

"Do as you wish," she said with a hiss.

"I usually do, my dear. Though, I will change my mind with enough incentive or reason to do so. You must face the fact that I am not a boy that can be wrapped around your finger. I have businesses I see to, people in my employ, and properties that support families. Those responsibilities don't create an indecisive personality. Not to mention my rank as a peer of the realm. If you desire a man who treats you like a queen, bow before you, then I am not that man."

He wasn't sure why he was being so demanding. He was tired of her games concerning their relationship. It was time she came to a decision and he was going to push her into it. If she couldn't commit to him, continued to throw up obstacles, it would be best to slam that door shut and consider her Vivian's sister-in-law, not marriage material.

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