The Wave Of Catastrophe PT. 1

Start from the beginning

{Incoming! Waves Of Catastrophe! Join other heroes and prepare to fight!}

Alyssa: Already?!!

Scottie: Ugh! Do we have too?!


Scottie: But what about food?

{Don't Care.}

Scottie: YOU BITCH!

{(͡°‿ ͡°)}

Scottie grumbled underneath his breath before turning to Lock and Alyssa.

Scottie: Change of plan guys, Lock bring the food with us. Alyssa, prepare your sword. We're going to meetup with the other heroes.

Lock/Alyssa: Yes! Sir Scottie!

Scottie just groaned a little. Let's hope they can survive this. Because compared to the Demon Bats. The Waves are no playing joke. Plus they have to deal with...those three idiots...and that bitch...


Naofumi: Ah...You're here...

Scottie: S'up Dude. Long time no see~!

After a small while of travelling, Scottie and his group ended up bumping into Naofumi and Raphtalia.
Scottie gotten a good look at her. She was in her physical age of an adult due to how high her level is at the moment but still had the mentally of a child.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-san, who is this?

Naofumi: He's the Gun Hero or so he claims. He's going to be helping us.

Raphtalia: Ah. Nice to meet you all! I'm Raphtalia!

Raphtalia gave a bow while Lock and Alyssa did the same. Scottie just nodded.

Scottie: Scott Collins. But ya can call me Scottie. I do not give a fuck about honorifics.

Lock: I'm Lock! We came from the same village, I believe. I'm Sir Scottie's Claws~!

Scottie: Since when I agree to that, Wolf Cunt?

Lock: Awwwww....

Alyssa: I'm Alyssa. Sword Saint. I recently became apart of Sir Scottie's group a couple of days ago. I heard what happened to your village. I'm so sorry for what you went through.

Raphtalia: Ah...Don't worry about it...

Alyssa: N-No really I am-!!

Lock: Please...Do not bring up any unwanted memories.

Noticing the gloomy atmosphere, Alyssa tried to apologise again but Scottie cut her off.

Scottie: Okay then! So we got a wave to fight, right?

Naofumi: Yes. But sadly, we have to work with...them...

Scottie: Yeah...I get the feeling they won't like me either?

Naofumi: Eh?

Scottie: Let's just say...I may have pissed off the King.

Naofumi:.......Do you regret it?

Scottie: Two Words. HELL NO.

Naofumi smirked. He was beginning to like this guy.


They finally made it inside and a priestess help lead the two small groups toward the dragon hourglass. The hourglass itself was huge, with multiple different glasses of sand falling into each one.

Scottie: That's a HUGE bitch!

Naofumi/Lock: Pffft!

Raphtalia shook her head looking disappointed.

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