Scottie sighed knowing he held back. As much as he want to kill these assholes. But the last thing he needs is more knights after him.

He stopped and looked at them.

Scottie: (Although. It's still a chance they two jerks might end up telling their king what happend.)

Let's just hope they have brain trauma after what Scottie put them in through and wouldn't remember a thing.

But...just in case...

Scottie: You can stop acting like your asleep.

Knight #1: *Flinched*

Scottie grabbed the knight.

Scottie: Let me give you a little warning...Just so you know, if this little event ever gets leaked out and told to your King...

"I'll be coming after ya to give you a one way ticket to HELL~~~!"

Knight #1: *Scared* HIIIIIIII-!!!

Scottie: I'll remember your face, so....



Scottie visits the inn then paid for a room for both him and the wolf boy.

At first, the female receptionist at the desk wasn't really keen on letting them stay especially with the Demi-human he had with him.

However, after a few threats from Scottie and learning about his status. He talked her into it.

Scottie was now in on bed while the wolf boy was in the other. But, it wasn't long before the wolf boy woke up.

Wolf Boy: ?!!!

Scottie: Oi. Stay calm.

However, he did the opposite, he growled at Scottie while having an hostile look in his face. He basically was an wounded animal backed into a corner.

Scottie sighed before he gently walked over.

Baby Steps. Take Baby Steps.

Wolf: *Growls* Grrrr....

Scottie know the boy didn't trust him. But not just him. Basically he didn't trust humans.

Scottie: Oi.

Wolf Boy: ?!

Scottie: I'm not going to hurt you.

Wolf Boy: Yeah Right! That's what they all say until they stab you in the back! You humans are all the same! I...I...didn't do d-deserve this...none of the others do...

By others, Scottie thought the boy was talking about his family...or maybe the other Demi-Humans that are locked up here in Melromarc and other places.

Scottie sighed again knowing he's not going to get anywhere with this boy.


Scottie: Then how about...we free them?

Wolf Boy: ?!

Scottie: I'm talking about the other Demi-Humans. Your friends. Your family. All of them. You're right. None of you deserve this fate.

Wolf Boy:....W-What are you...?

Scottie walked over to him. The boy growled again but he had an timid look on his face. His yellow piercing eyes were following Scottie's every move.

Scottie: Oi.

Scottie pulled out some tweezers and grabbed the boy's collar.

The younger male was shock by this and closed his eyes expecting the worst.


The metal collar was soon broken as it fell to the floor making a loud clanging sound. Scottie cursed underneath his breath. The inn keeper is so going to have words with him later.

Wolf Boy: ?!

Scottie then pulled out a potion and gave it to the boy. The boy still remained cautious while his yellow eyes glared at the potion.

Wolf Boy: Did you put something in there? Are you trying to poison me...?

Scottie rolled his eyes. His temper was rising a little. But he needed to be calm about this and not scare the boy. Regarding from all the abuse he went through, he couldn't blame him.

Scottie: It's a potion that heals your injuries you punk. Take it or leave it. I hate it if you succumb to your wounds and die here in this room. I hate to be held responsible.

Wolf Boy:.....

The younger male took the potion and hesitantly drank it. a couple of seconds, his wounds especically from the rough kick from earlier in his head had healed and the bleeding had stopped.

Wolf Boy:.......*Looks at Scottie*

Scottie: ....What are ya staring at? Ya looking for a fight...?

Wolf Boy: Th.....Thank You...

Scottie smirked. Finally some progress.

Wolf Boy: So...You're really actually going to help me...are you a hero?

Scottie: You might say that. But I dragged here aganist my will.

Wolf Boy: Aganist your will? Wait...then that means..

The wolf boy looks down at the rifle next to Scottie and his eyes went wide.

Wolf Boy: You must be from another world! You're one of the heroes that were summoned here to help us!

Scottie: *Dry* Yep...But here's my agenda for now. I will help you. But you're gonna have to help me.

Wolf Boy: .....Huh?

The wolf boy looked confused. Why does a hero need his help?

Scottie: I'm trying to get back home. But those asshole back at the castle won't let me unless I fight the waves. about we make a deal. I'll help you free your friends and family from slavery in this terrible country. In return, you help me fight the waves in order to get me back home? What do you say? Sounds fair?

Wolf Boy:...I...Yes!

Scottie: So you sure want to come with me? That would mean intense training. Because I'm going to whip the both of us into shape!


Scottie: Hell yeah! Anyway, my name is Scott Collins. My closest friends back at home call me Scottie....
what's your name kid?

Lock: I'm not a kid! M-My name is Lock. Thank you for saving my life, Sir Scottie.

And thus, Scottie gains his first teammate as the adventure continues

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

And thus, Scottie gains his first teammate as the adventure continues.

Legacy Of The Gun Hero (Rising Of The Shield Hero OC) (Hiatus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz