In other words, like Naofumi, Scottie is now a cardinal weapons holder.

He walked down the grasslands but stopped in his tracks when he noticed a couple of small blobs consistenting of icky substance heading towards him.

Scottie: Oh RPG games...they're always one of the first monsters you have to face...

Scottie looked at his rifle. If he's going to be using it for now on. He at least should know how to use it.

Scottie: A pistol would have a bullet velocity over 400m/s. A rifle would havr double of that. Usually depending on the size of the target. While doing that, I can learn skills and level up during certain actions.

He looked at the two blue slimes...

Scottie: It's been a while since I went hunting with Pa. But that was like five years ago. I wonder if my aim is still a little rusty. Welp. It wouldn't hurt to try it out.

Scottie pulls out his two pistols from their hoister and aim at the slimes.

Scottie: You want to pick with me, you little shits? Bring it on!

As soon they became hostile, they attacked.

The blue slime on his left charged first, Scottie pulled the trigger and shot the blue slime.

It soon faded away after being shot. The second blue slime tried the same thing but no avail as Scottie shot it as well.

Scottie: Is that all you got?

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him.

He quickly moved out of the way as a third slime shot acid towards him. Luckily he was able to dodge before shooting it.

The slime disvolved like the other two did.

Scottie smirked victorious.


Scottie: Oh. That was quick.

Lv - 1>2

Scottie: That was a lot of fun...(Nut I better keep my guard up. Because something is telling me that it isn't over yet.)

His thoughts were spot on. The slimes from earlier suddenly started merging together before they transformed into a giant slime.

Scottie smirked again.

Scottie: You just don't give up do you? Alright then bitch...

He puts the guns back into their hoister before grabbing the legendary gun from his backside and pointed at the giant slime.


The magic gun begin to power up.

Scottie: Let's Get Physical~!



Scottie sighed to himself as the slime monster finally faded away. He's been attackng it for like ten minutes already.

He felt exhausted.

Scottie: (Sadly...I can't rest now...)

He had a few more monsters to face. They recently appeared after the slime.

He then noticed these new creatures were some type of balloon monster.

Scottie: (Naofumi faced them after he was banished from Melromarc with only his bare fists.)

Oh well...He might as well, get on with some more action.

The balloon monsters attacked first as Scottie charged at them. One of them tried to bite his arm but he quickly shot it before it gotten the chance. Another one bit his leg but he shook it off before punching it. This whole continued until it was finally nighttime.

Legacy Of The Gun Hero (Rising Of The Shield Hero OC) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now