rolling rink | k. omega

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pairing: kenny omega x honey (fem!oc)

plot: honey, known totally-not-a-klutz was dragged into a rolling rink by her friends, she's not happy about it. oh! and her crush since kindergarten is there too.

genre: fluff

warning: n/a

word count: 2.1k

author's note: i took inspiration from the opening scene from diary of a wimpy kid: rodrick rules. i really need to watch that movie again. also this is a high school au because i'm a sucker for those. anyways.


honey was far away from everyone else, thankfully, sitting on one of the stools surrounding the holographic circular tables that was littered around the rink by herself. the rainbow disco light sent beams of different colors around the building, the big tinted windows and tables catching and reflecting the light, simply another thing that could be the reason for another unfortunate happening in honey's life as well as the people around her.

the light could get into her eye and she could bang into someone, or something, maybe someone who was carrying food, maybe even a child, if the universe was feeling particularly cruel that day. the past week could have gotten worse, maybe it'll make up for all the accidents this week.

you see, honey is cursed with a bad case of murphy's law, what ever can go wrong, will go wrong and it's been like that for as long as she could remember.

first there was the art class incident, where she was actually making decent art, only when she was walking backwards to get a better view of her handiwork, she bumped into someone and their artwork, then much like a pinball, bumped into someone else. in the end? her whole art class were casualties and to make it worse, her painting was the only art piece to survive, the fact that her teacher wasn't the nicest didn't help. the man didn't let her classmates redo or even retouch their work when the bell rang nor did he let honey take the fall meaning: all of her classmates had bad grades, except for her.

then there was the theater incident, where everything in the school theater wasn't working right during their production of romeo and juliet though everything worked properly ninety nine percent of the time, their school was even recognized as the best one performance arts wise in the whole district. the only thing that was changed during that day was the fact that honey was playing the role of juliet. needless to say, their school lost a lot of credibility after that one, the theater kids weren't particularly happy with her either.

a particularly embarrassing one was the softball incident of third grade. their school grounds were well kept, the most well kept in the community and honey wasn't the best at sports (sports and murphy's law didn't exactly mix well, if you couldn't tell), with legs too wobby and unstable along with arms a little too boney and too weak. during a softball game though, they were losing horrendously and she had to be put on to the field as a last resort. what some people expected was just for them to lose, what actually happened next caught everyone off guard. with the power of murphy's law, honey was actually able to throw the ball far, straight as an arrow and as powerful as a whip.

she, along with her team and parents in the crowd were about to celebrate before realizing that it was perhaps a little too powerful as it slipped right out of her opposing team's reach and into a far away beehive.

she has a couple more stories, some funny and some downright embarrassing, some she would rather forget and some that she has luckily repressed so it goes without saying that her track record wasn't too clean, but at least people knew to stay out of her way now. call her moses cause the hallways would always part like the red sea when honey would pass by. it has its perks, really, something that she almost enjoys. almost.

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