period headcannons #1 | kenny omega

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♡ period headcannons ♡

♡ kenny knows you so well that he's aware whenever you're going to get your period. he knows your cues, the things that give away the fact you're pms-ing. it could be you getting annoyed more than usual, getting annoyed easier than usual, being uh more h-word than usual, anything.

♡ he's just so observant that he knows.

♡ but he also knows he's not always accurate, and because of that, he decided to install a period tracking app on his phone.

♡ he knows how bad your period cramps can get or how you feel in general. he wants to be there for you whenever it's your time of the month. it's sweet, really.

♡ when it's about that time, he always gathers a little care package for you, filled with your favorite snacks and some treats you haven't tried before, but he thinks you'll like. alongside that is a bottle of painkillers and a cute, plush [your favorite animal] warm compress. basically it was a regular compress, only it had a plush attached on top of it. it was the cutest thing you've ever laid your eyes on -- except for kenny, of course. if he's going to be away from you for at least a week, he adds little love letters there as well, if you ever get needy.

♡ at this point in your relationship, you're already comfortable with him to the point where he knows what can you check me means and he always does it.

♡ if you're outside, he'll do it without you asking because he doesn't want you walking around with a stain on your bottoms.

♡ if there was a moment your blood leaked through, he's definitely the kind of guy to offer you his jacket or hoodie to wrap around your waist until you got to the car or somewhere more private. he always brings one when you're on your period for times like that, even if it's during summertime.

♡ as himbo as he is sometimes, he's aware of what a period is. you don't have to sit him down and have that conversation with him -- thank god.

♡ he's not the type to shy away from getting you your needs and wants -- that includes things like pads and tampons.

♡ he will proudly march into a walmart, stroll into the feminine products aisle and get you what you need.

♡ i mean, one time he met a fan there who asked him for a photo. the photo was posted to twitter with kenny and said fan in front of a bunch of tampon boxes. did the dumpster fire that is wrestling twitter bully him for it? of course they did. did he give a fuck? not a single one.

♡ "yeah? and i'd do it again."

♡ one time though, you had an emergency. you ran out of products and you forgot about your period since you were really busy -- kenny didn't have the period tracking app installed on his phone then and your pms was quite calm. your period was too strong for you to go outside without anything on and even if it wasn't, the damn cramps were killing you. in your moment of weakness, you called kenny who was staying at your place for a few days - you didn't live together yet - and asked him to buy them for you.

♡ the conversation was a bit embarrassing. you've only been together for five months and here you were, explaining the kind of pads/tampons you needed. you wanted the earth to swallow you whole right then and there. thankfully, kenny didn't make it more awkward than it needed to be.

♡ but, well, kenny forgot some details when he was standing in the ominous feminine products aisle. he tried to call you, but your phone died.

♡ long story short, he ended up buying everything from the aisle.

♡ imagine your shock when he comes back to your apartment, big plastic bags hanging off of his two thick arms.

♡ "i tried to contact you but.."

♡ you grabbed your phone from where it sat on your bedside table. "shit. it's dead. sorry ken."

♡ well that turned out to be a blessing in disguise of sorts because you went a year and a half without having to buy anything.

♡ until now, everytime you lightheartedly point a finger at kenny, he will not hesitate to bring it up.

♡ "okay [y/n], who's the reason you didn't have to buy pads/tampons for a year?"

♡ only to be countered with a "okay kenny, who bought the whole feminine products aisle?"

♡ he's super sweet and understanding when you're on your period though.

♡ if period cramps are kicking your ass, he's massaging your tummy -- if that relieves the pain. or he's offering you painkillers. or he's holding the hot compress on your lower stomach while stroking your hair.

♡ one time, you were in a fetal position because of how much it hurt and he spotted you, fresh out of his morning workout. he frowned at the scene, but his lips upturned a bit when you saw him and opened your arms for a hug. after hugging you, he pressed a chaste kiss to your stomach.

♡ "wish i could take the pain away, baby."

♡ if any part of you is achy, he's massaging it, trying to help you find some sort of relief.

♡ also, he keeps extra pads/tampons and tissues in his bag, just in case you forgot or didn't have enough for some reason.

♡ and if you ever get a craving, he's sure to get you what ever you wanted. he does not care if it's three in the morning. wake him up and tell him if you want mcdonalds.

♡ "you're already in pain, baby. it's the least i could do."

♡ please don't go to the nearby convenience store by yourself in the middle of the night. the last time you did that, you guys got into a fight before you slept and when he woke up with you not beside him and not anywhere in the house, he thought you left him. you found him sobbing on the couch, holding his kirby stuffed toy to his chest and having the young bucks on speaker. he's traumatized.

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