boyfriend headcannons #1 | cm punk

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♡ you've been with him since tony khan first contacted him about working for aew

♡ he's talked to you a lot of times about it, whether you thought that coming back was a good idea or not. what you thought about that idea in general

♡ you always told him to do whatever made him happy. if his heart told him to come back to wrestling, that's what he should do

♡ week in and week out, you saw the light come back in his eyes when he watched aew. even if he has not told you yet, or maybe even he himself hasn't even realized it yet, you already knew he was coming back

♡ and you were glad he did

♡ you were there backstage at the first dance, you watched him when he was addressing the crowd, and you were there when he went backstage. you were the first person to greet him and that he embraced

♡ you knew that he made the right decision

♡ you've never seen him happier and more excited

♡ every week he's just buzzing and it fills your heart with warmth, especially since it seems like the fans feel the same way about him. they missed him just as much as he missed them

♡ if you prefer coke to pepsi, prepare to have silly, little, funny debates with him about why pepsi is superior

♡ him practicing promos on you. it's cute because he gets so heated and intense, but when his eyes meets yours, it's like he completely melts and his eyes soften, pupils dilating

♡ you just smile at him though, and gesture for him to carry on. you thoroughly enjoy him doing this, although some of the time, you seriously wonder how his opponents bounce back from how hard-hitting his promos are sometimes

♡ and after that, he'll always ask you how you think he did, if there's anything you think he should improve on or add or cut from his promo

♡ the same goes for his wrestling. after every match, he asks you how you think he did

♡ when he asks these, he wants an actual answer. he can take criticism very well and just wants to keep on improving even though he's probably considered a veteran now

♡ but still, he spent seven years out of the ring so he likes to spar with you to make sure he gets better every week

♡ asks you about things he wants to add to his moveset, along with things you think would be a nice addition to it

♡ he's just so in love with you and values you and your opinion so much and wants your stamp of approval on everything

♡ always tracing his tattoos. it's a pleasant feeling to the both of you. he enjoys the feeling of your finger on him, and you enjoy tracing the intricate art inked on his skin

♡ tracing his tattoos when you went attention from him

♡ tracing his tattoos whenever you can't fall asleep

♡ tracing his tattoos whenever he can't fall asleep

♡ tracing his tattoos while watching a movie with him

♡ or you'll watch a movie while playing with his hair

♡ getting flustered whenever he mentions you on tv. says your name and telling you he loves you

♡ turning dinner with friends, they always tease him and tell him he's whipped, but it doesn't look like he cares

♡ he's the ultimate wifeguy

♡ getting tattoos together

♡ it doesn't necessarily mean that you get matching tattoos, but also simply, you like being there for each other when you get new tattoos. holding each other's hand tightly when the tattoo needle's in a place that's a bit more sensitive and painful

♡ you help him decide on new tattoos every now and then as well

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