skits | kenny omega

440 13 3

pairing: kenny omega x reader

prompt: #12 a kiss only meant to last a moment, but when your lips meet, you can't pull away from each other

genre: fluff

warning: n/a

word count: 3.6k

author's note: okay, so i didn't know whether to drag this fic out more (you'll see what i'm talking about once you get to the end) or just end it like how i did but honestly, i think the ending is pretty good!! also, this is legitimately the longest fic i have ever written and i love every part of this. thank you for the request nonnie!!

lemme know if you guys don't like the ending and want a part two, i think it's good though!


you had a crush on kenny omega for the longest time, even before you guys became coworkers. you had some mutual friends from the indies and there were a number of times when you saw each other at birthday parties, get-togethers, halloween parties and the such. there were also times where you guys were booked on the same shows. your interactions then were very minimal though, just a polite smile and nod to each other here and there, maybe small talk every now and then but you never got to really to him, reason being you were too shy to come up to him and he wasn't interested in talking to you, at least that's what you think.

things drastically changed when you got an unexpected - but accepted all the same - email from bushi road in late 2016. the top japanese company offered you a contract and a spot in the bullet club, the most famous and notorious faction at that time; a faction lead by kenny omega after he kicked out aj styles some months ago.

along with that, they only asked of you to make an appearance a few times a month if you wanted, maybe to valet your fellow bullet club members, maybe to have a match. they told you that they were willing to give you a large amount of control over what you wanted to do with yourself and your character over there regarding matches and promos. a big - and important - part of your contract was them saying that you could still work the different shows you usually wrestled in, you weren't restricted to just their product. they even offered to pay for your hotels and flights whenever you were there for one of their shows. obviously, you accepted the contract, it was simply too good to pass up.

you didn't even realize back then how much of a big deal you were because of how focused you were on perfecting your craft.

that was your first time working for new japan, though. sure, you have been to different promotions in mexico, the united kingdom, and all over the united states but this one felt different to you. new japan was the home of both fast-paced matches, strong-style matches, gripping storylines, and fantastic characters. it intimidated you and you found the flight from chicago, illinois - where you just had an instant classic bout - to osaka, japan nerve-wracking. you couldn't help fidgeting, the emotions you were feeling somewhere between anxiety and excitement. you didn't know if you liked that or not, but you knew it was somewhat of a good sign because that meant that you cared.

the beginning of the day passed by without a hitch, a part of that is the fact that new japan had a taxi waiting for you by the airport.

the driver was a japanese man who looked like he was in his mid-thirties and he had a homemade sign for you with your ring name on it which said "welcome to new japan pro-wrestling, welcome to bullet club" along with the iconic logos of both new japan and the bullet club on either side. you approached him with a smile, bowing, and greeting him in japanese. the drive to the hotel was a quick and silent one, the only sound in the taxi being the j-pop songs that was on the radio, the occasional humming along of the driver, and the rev of the engine as he drove on the roads of osaka. you avoided looking out of the windows, your mind already going a million miles a minute.

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