all the goodbyes and cries and teary eyes | matt jackson

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all the goodbyes and cries and teary eyes

pairing: matt jackson x reader

prompt: #28 crying during a kiss, your tears mixing with your lovers' and #29 pulling away from a kiss to ask you to marry them

genre: some angst, i would like to think some fluff?

warning: some angst, one (1) suggestive line

word count: 7.2k woah

author's note: finally got a request done aha. hope you enjoy nonnie!


for someone who couldn't even remember what he ate for breakfast, the way he remembered exactly three instances where he knew he wanted to marry you was scary. while of course, there were more than three times where he was assured that you were the one, these were the ones that stood out to him, the ones that mattered the most. it wasn't simply a this person is cool and i want to spend the rest of my life with them thought. it was a feeling he felt in the deepest pit of his heart. it wasn't a want it was a need. he felt like he wouldn't be truly complete without marrying you because it's you.

the first one he remembers is the first time the thought of marrying you passed through his head. it was far too early in the relationship and he knew this so he didn't say anything, though he was already sure.

it was about eight months into your relationship but you've already known each other for more than a year through a mutual friend. you were invited to a small get-together and he was as well. he randomly came up to you and you two quickly hit it off.

in the past few months, he has noticed that there was a severe lack of date nights between the both of you, mostly because of his busy schedule -- not that you ever complained about it. you understood. you always did. that being said, he still wanted to make sure you knew that he cared. he didn't want anymore two am date nights where it was just either of you staying up late and texting and even though he was busy, he was dead-set on making a way.

and that he did.

one day when he was just hanging out in your living room, he randomly asked you whether you wanted to get on the road with him. he promised you funny road stories, singing along to the songs on the radio, as well as fun, unforgettable three am memories so you found it impossible to accept, much to his relief. it wasn't the most glamorous date night, but it shown that he was making an effort which is an important part in any happy relationship.

you couldn't stop thinking about when that day would come ever since matt told you about it. you felt honored that he invited you to come with him. if he wanted to be stuck in a car with you for hours on end, then he must actually like you, right?

the day finally rolled around much to both of your excitement. matt couldn't even sleep the night before. he hoped you would enjoy it as he knew it could get boring at times, but who doesn't enjoy a good road trip every now and then?

getting to know you better didn't seem like a bad idea either.

he cleaned up nicely that day, knowing that you would be trapped in a car with him for god knew how many hours and he wanted to stay fresh. he also woke up earlier than he usually did because one, he was going to pick you up as well, and two, because he wanted to go to a convenience store to get some snacks, in case you got hungry, and snacks just makes everything better.

smoothing down his hair again to make sure there was no strand out of place, he pushed your doorbell and was surprised at how fast you opened it. you were expecting him, that's for sure. he felt a wave of optimism and relief when he realized that. when he first asked you to hang out, he was worried that you felt obligated to do it since he was your boyfriend but seeing you right now with that smile on your face and you practically bouncing on your heels while you had a suitcase in your hand and a rather large duffel bag slung over your shoulders, he thought that maybe you actually did want this.

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