drabble: pre-flight cuddles | kenny omega

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pairing: kenny omega x reader

plot: kenny's going away again and you're upset. kenny being, well, kenny, isn't gonna let you be upset for too long though.

genre: fluff

warning: n/a

author's note: do i have any requests done? no. will i have any of the requests done? our exams are this week and the following week so probably not. however, enjoy this tiny fluff bit.


a comforting, familiar cartoon movie was playing on the screen as it was the time for your weekly movie night tonight in your shared house with kenny. you brought up the idea of watching this movie in particular as you were just not feeling well that day, mostly because of the fact that your boyfriend would be gone for a few days. he had to go to another city because he was scheduled to have a meet and greet there, then he would travel again for dynamite, rampage, and full gear and then, and only then will he return to the confines of your home.

you've been with kenny since his time with new japan pro-wrestling, so you certainly experienced a longer amount of days without him - sometimes it even reached months without him - but because of you guys moving to the states for all elite wrestling as well as the pandemic, you've gotten used to him being with you most of the time.

the movie got your mind off of the problem for a while, but the sadness somehow crept its way into your system again and you couldn't help but frown as you subconsciously leaned further into kenny's side.

your loving boyfriend discreetly peered down at you. he found you staring at the movie with emotionless eyes and a frown on your face. it was so unlike you to not have a reaction to this movie so then he started formulating a plan to get you to smile.

a sly smirk graced his lips when he finally thought of something.

"ken! ken stop!!" you giggled out as your boyfriend started to nuzzle his face into your neck and have his beard tickle you.

you lightly pushed his face away, but your boyfriend was determined to make you laugh. he playfully growled at your digits that threatened to stop his onslaught of snuggles and pretended to bite them. he pushed them away from his face with his forehead so he can continue his ticklish attack, playfully nipping up your neck before having his scruff rub against you again, making you erupt in a fit of laughter.

finally, he'd had enough and pressed his forehead against yours, the bright smile on his face matching the one on your face. you faintly recognized his eyes searching your own before he let out an amazed sigh. "god i love you." he breathed out making your smile widen. you looped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, kissing his lips after you cuddled yourself into him further. "i love you too, ken." you said, the sound muffled due to you pressing your face into the junction that connected his shoulder to his neck.

the smile stayed on your face and you were content but that was only until kenny stood up from the couch. the loss of contact left you pouting up at him and making grabby hands. he chuckled at the sight of you, shaking his head. "you're adorable." before leaning down and picking you up. your head went straight to that spot it was in earlier and you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his midsection as his arms rounded your waist to support your weight.

"c'mon baby, you gonna help me pack?"

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