being a female member of a faction headcannons #1 | the elite

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♡ being a female member of the elite headcannons ♡

♡ unless you're dating one of them or one of them has a crush on you, they'd be your unofficial big brothers.

♡ like, helping you out however they can because they care about you so much and want you to prosper alongside them.

♡ would give you some pointers on how to execute moves properly if needed or if you asked them for it.

♡ you know you have a sparring partner in them, whether you want them to help you train with your regular moveset, or if you wanted to try some new stuff out.

♡ they'll make sure that you never feel left out when you guys chill together.

♡ you will, a hundred percent, get some inside deets on the male mind because you guys talk about everything.

♡ like literally no filters. y'all are just so comfortable with each other now that it doesn't matter how embarrassing or private something is. it will be shared with the group.

♡ omg they'll be so protective of you though. inside or outside the ring.

♡ if you're trying out a new move that's a bit tricky, they'll make sure that you've really got the hang of it before you execute it in a match. especially a match with someone they're unfamiliar with/don't trust.

♡ "guys, it's gonna be fine. i promise. i can handle this!"

♡ "it's not you we don't trust, [y/n]. it's just.. what if she doesn't catch you or something?"

♡ "we practiced this about a hundred times, matt. it's gonna be okay, okay?"

♡ or if someone asks you out, they'll immediately do top tier research on the person.

♡ if they find even one red flag or a single spec of dust on their dating resume, they're getting the boot -- or the wrestling shoe, in this case.

♡ if they pass and your teammates give them the green light, they want to know the details of the date so if something happens, they know who to (hunt down) look for and where you've gone.

♡ they'll definitely texting you all the way through.

♡ god forbid your partner hurts you. might as well arrange their funeral already because they're going to face the elite's wrath and it's not gonna be pretty.

♡ lots of noogies, especially if you're shorter than them.

♡ believe it or not, those guys try their best not to baby you but they find it a bit challenging sometimes because they care so much about you, their unofficial little sister -- it doesn't matter if you're actually older than them, they'll still call you their little sister.

♡ and if you tell them to let you handle something all by yourself and they can tell you really mean it, they'll let you. however, if push comes to shove, they will have your back.

♡ oh and even though they keep on referring to you as their little sister, you're gonna be more like their babysitter.

♡ they are man-children.

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