sugar daddy headcannons #1 | kenny omega

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♡ kenny omega sugar daddy headcannons ♡

♡ the original reason he had for getting a sugar baby was because he wanted the intimacy and love and affection without the caring for each other too much that came with your regular romantic relationships, but boy oh boy did his plan backfire in his pretty, little face.

♡ he didn't know if it was romantic love, but slowly, bit by bit, he started to get attached to you.

♡ the hanging out became more than sex. now kenny looks to you for comfort whenever he's having a bad day and he's made it clear that he'll be there for you too.

♡ now it isn't just sex when he asks you to come over. it isn't just small talk either. you guys are comfortable with each other enough to really talk about the happenings in your lives.

♡ who knew kenny taking hangman's joking maybe you should get a sugar baby seriously would lead to him forming some type of friendship? not him, that's for sure. he's glad though.

♡ "hey... you know you're more than a sugar baby to me, right? i actually care about you and if you ever need a break or something, you can just tell me."

♡ nevertheless, of course he never forgets about his sugar daddy duties and you your sugar baby duties.

♡ yeah, all those bills you have? paid. rent, water and electricity bills, food? paid! and for the low, low price of giving this gorgeous man attention.

♡ really, anyone who judges you for being in this type of relationship can shove their opinion up their ass cause you've having the time of your life. like, you would spend intimate time with this man for free, but in an amazing turn of events, you're getting paid for it. how can anyone complain?

♡ everytime you go to his house or he goes to yours, you shower him in attention. over time, you started to figure out what he needs and the kind of attention he likes the most so you try and utilize that knowledge to the best of your abilities.

♡ you've learned how to gauge his mood and act accordingly.

♡ "ugh, you always know what i need. you're the best baby ever, i swear." he groans, shoving his face into your chest while you were sat on his lap, legs on either side of him.

♡ "mmm, thank you for this, doll. you're a damn godsend." he murmurs, nuzzling his face into your neck.

♡ when i tell you this man spoils you in all aspects.

♡ he's emotionally there for you. one time, he asked you to come over during an off day. it was still early in your relationship so you didn't have it in you to say no yet, fearing he might get angry if you did so. anyway, when you got there and he sensed that you weren't feeling okay, he didn't try to do anything sexual with you, instead trying to comfort you and cuddling.

♡ "hey, affection is affection, kitten. you'll never see me complaining." he chuckled, pulling you closer. "seriously though, if you don't feel comfortable doing something, just tell me, alright? i'll understand."

♡ until now he's still like this. always being dotting and attentive to your thoughts and feelings. it was one of the things you admired about him.

♡ he's always super supportive of whatever you're pursuing as well, whether that's academics or not.

♡ omg, if your finals week is coming up, kenny will totally understand you not wanting to hang out, but even so, he'll still bombard you with your favorite morning drink and breakfast, nice smelling skincare stuff, or anything to help you destress, really.

♡ he's such a sweetheart!!

♡ he'll even help you study if he knows something about the subject you need help with, although you do have to pay his services with kisses. five kisses per hour is his charging rate, though really, you wanted him to change it to twenty kisses per five minutes oop. can't blame you though.

♡ he spoils you with physical intimacy as well. whatever you need, he's got it covered. wanna try something new? you bet he's open-minded about it. need to get dicked down? he's already on it. need tight hugs? he's your guy!

♡ literally the best, i can't-

♡ he's also super affectionate so be prepared to get kissed a lot. his personal favorite is kissing up your arm until he gets to your shoulder, then he peppers kisses all over your collarbones and finally, your mouth.

♡ then there's the financial aspect of things. like said before, he's got your necessities in the bag. you don't ever have to worry about going in debt because this man isn't going to let that happen.

♡ along with that, you also get weekly budgets which is holy shit, way too much but you're not complaining. you never spend all of it. saving and planning for the future and all that. it's not like kenny's gonna be your sugar daddy forever.

♡ in addition to that, he still buys you things you've told him you wanted and things he thinks you'll like. it doesn't matter how outrageously expensive it is. he. will. buy. it.

♡ i mean real talk, your happiness is probably one of this top priorities in life and you're flattered.

♡ "what's the use of having all this money without spending it on something? or someone?"

♡ at some point, you've confronted this man and told him he's spending way too much on you, but he doesn't give a single fuck.

♡ "doll, it's my money, alright? i know my limits and right now, i think i can afford to blow a couple of thousands on you."

♡ fancy dates and fine dining isn't really him, but if you're into it, you bet your ass he's scouring the world for the best michelin star restaurant to take you on your next date.

♡ bitch, i shit you not one time he took you to the eiffel towel for a fucking date. this man???

♡ if you're not into that, he has no problem lounging around in his big house with you, matching sweatpants on and the newest episode of your favorite show on tv, stealing kisses from you now and then, and his hand occasionally slipping in the waistband of your bottoms.

♡ also idk, kenny strikes me as the type of guy where if you're a girl/fem presenting and you're his friend/partner/sugar baby or anything like that and you needed to go somewhere at night, he'd volunteer to go with you to make sure you're safe.

♡ please, please wear the things he gets you on dates! especially the ones you didn't specifically ask him for because then it's just an ego boost of yes! my sugar baby likes the clothes i picked out for them!

♡ he wasn't like those other sugar daddies you've heard about, always flaunting their wealth. kenny was honest and down-to-earth and that meant hanging out with him so much fun.

♡ you truly hit the jackpot with him. not only did you get a ridiculously attractive sugar daddy, but he was also so respectful and nice and better than all the boyfriends you've had in your life.

♡ he's such a gentleman and so damn sweet.

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