number one boy status | nick jackson

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number one boy status

pairing: nick jackson x unnamed!oc

prompt: #15 kissing your lover so gently, worried that if you pull away for just a second, they might disappear

genre: general? bit fluffy at the end too?

warning: anxiety, brief vomiting and and mention of heights

word count: 6.1k woah!

author's note: okay i had an entirely different idea for this originally but it really just didn't play out and i got stuck. regardless, i still hope you all enjoy this! also, the oc here isn't really gonna be one of my actual ocs like sunshine, baby, and arabella. if i wrote another piece with a character named "buttercup" this won't be part of that buttercup!universe.


the first instance.

buttercup walked side-by-side with kenny, hands shoved in the pocket of their elite tracksuit - something kenny gave them because he knew they were his biggest fan - walking towards other friends of his.

buttercup was always number one though, of course.

kenny and them first met in preschool. sure, maybe a little curly-haired blond boy shoving a handful of sand in his mouth at the sandbox wouldn't really be your first pick to be your best friend for the rest of your life, but that's exactly what buttercup did. they laughed at kenny's face - curious blue eyes, big cheeks, and a ton of sand - before sitting cross-legged down in front of him, introducing themselves.

from then on, they were just inseparable. their parents would always arrange play dates for them, they would always do that day's homework in each other's houses with a juice box and a sandwich in hand, or they would always be spotted in the playground playing tag with each other. once they grew older, they'd frequently go to the mall together, or to the movies, or wherever they decided to go.  neither of them even had to sneak out at that point. it was already obvious to their parents who they were with.

buttercup was there for - almost - all of kenny's games, whether it was hockey, basketball, jujitsu, or any other of the sports that he played. he even tried to get them into it but buttercup wasn't a fan of anything he showed them and it just came to a point where he stopped and started to admire the fact that even if they disliked the sport, they still watched his games.

when he first started wrestling, buttercup was there too. they watched him wrestle, gave them criticism where it was needed and praise in the instances that called for it. they even let kenny practice moves on them a few times. it hurt, but they found it worth it.

anything for my best friend.

buttercup being kenny's best friend, it would be impossible for them to not hear about the world-famous young bucks, the two men kenny was in the elite with, the two men kenny truly believed in his heart was the best tag team of all time. after checking out some of the matches kenny recommended, they weren't sure if they disagreed with that statement.

kenny has talked to buttercup about them many times, heard many of the shenanigans that the three got themselves in to much too often than what buttercup would have liked. from what they have gathered, these young bucks characters seemed nice enough. they knew kenny wouldn't have been friends with people who weren't nice so they already expected that meeting them would be nothing short of pleasant.

"hey bucks!" kenny greeted them first, hugging them and too sweet-ing with the brothers. they greeted him back with a "hey kenny".

after that, their eyes were drawn to buttercup who was coyly standing next to kenny throughout the whole exchange. while they did know that the young bucks were cool people, that didn't mean that they weren't nervous for it. after all, they weren't wrestlers like matt and nick and kenny. they couldn't do all the incredibly athletic things the bucks - along with their best friend - we able to perform.

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