it's too cold for you here (so now and let me hold) | kenny omega

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it's too cold for you here (so now and let me hold)

pairing: kenny omega x reader

plot: he looks likes a jock poster child at first glance. bulging muscles and broad shoulders. who knew all it took for you to muster up the courage to talk to each other is a thunderstorm and a power outage?

genre: fluff

warning: the tiniest bit of swearing because aha it's me writing it.

word count: 3.1k

author's note: this can be read platonically or with a romantic undertone. there's some tension felt throughout the fic, in one scene specifically, not including the end, but in my opinion it's not much. if you do think this isn't platonic, let me know so i can edit this author's note.

votes, likes, and reblogs appreciated!


you always found your roommate intimidating. he was tall and big. plus, you heard from your best friend that he got into your university because of a sports scholarship, that you did not doubt. it was obvious, ever since the first time you met him.

it was an unusually warm day, taking in the fact that it wasn't even remotely close to summer. if you had to guess, it was probably about in the high thirties, maybe even low forties. you weren't exactly sure. all you knew in actuality was that it was hot. really hot. unbearably hot.

it would have been a perfect day, if you were going out to spend more than a few hours at the beach, that is. but no, this was the day you were moving in to your university's dorm so this was bad. very bad. not to mention uncomfortable. the cotton material of your t-shirt kept on clinging on to your body, and your hair to the nape of your neck. still, you were thankful because at least it wasn't raining or heavily snowing. those were worse, way worse. right now, the only thing being ruined was you and any excitement you had for moving in day - if you had any at all - at the very least, your stuff were okay, unharmed, dry, and working.

you huffed, panting and trying to catch your breath when you stopped in front of the door to your dorm, dropping the heavy box after what felt like a lifetime. thankfully, this was the last box. the rest have already been dropped off by you a few minutes prior and back then, it seemed like your roommate wasn't there yet. there was no sign of another person. now, some time has passed because you were lugging up a box that weighted almost half your body weight -- maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but it sure felt like it. to make things worse, the elevator stopped working because a group of genius freshmen decided to ride it along with all their things. to no one's surprise, the lift broke, unable to support all the weight. you knew that because of the whispers around the halls, as well as the glares thrown to a number of people who looked about eighteen to nineteen years old.

to an extent, you felt bad for them. the school year has barely started and they already had a reputation. already had classmates hating them. but then again, they kind of deserved it.

with a final wipe of your forehead with your sleeve, you reached out to the doorknob and twisted it, pushing to open the door. you wished your roommate wasn't there yet. you know that you weren't looking too good right now, all red in the face - probably, but hopefully not, a minor sunburn on your cheeks - sweaty, and maybe just a tiny bit stinky. you took a mental note to take a shower after you're done dragging the box to your room. you're not even gonna wait until you're done unpacking everything.

luck wasn't on your side because there he was in all his glory, looking like he was sculpted by the gods with the utmost care and patience. the opposite of you.

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