my best friend kenny | kenny omega

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my best friend kenny

pairing: kenny omega x reader

plot: who do you run to when things look to go out of control? no one other than your best friend, kenny.

genre: angst + fluff (not my usual ~romantic~ fluff, but Actually Nice Guy Kenny at the end. the kind of guy ladies + fem!presenting people would love to be friends with)

warning: swearing, verbally and physically abusive boyfriend -> ex-boyfriend

word count: 6.3k

author's note: this is a lot different from other fics i've written but i still kinda like it?? i say kinda because my favorite fics are the real fluffy ones lol. regardless, i hope you guys enjoy, stay safe y'all <33


a glance at the clock notified you that it was currently half past one in the morning now and even though your boyfriend was aware of your whereabouts tonight, you still figured that it was probably time to call it a day.

your boyfriend was... nice.. usually. maybe a bit too overprotective and possessive, but weren't all boyfriends like that?

actually, in the past, he's been borderline abusive towards you. he had too much of a temper and had anger issues you knew he should sort out one day. there were times where he called you horrible names and didn't let you hang out with your friends. whenever he did, he would always police your outfit, telling you what you should and should not wear. it was reminiscent of when you were a teenager asking your parents for permission to go to a house party for the first time. he wanted to know where you were going, who you were going with, what you planned on doing, if you were going somewhere else after that. he didn't ask you what time you would come back simply because he would be the one to dictate that for you, and if you came to the house later than what he said, he'd have an outburst. there was even a time in the past when your neighbors called the police, alerted by his shouting and the general ruckus in the house.

the moment you got sick of it and threatened to leave him, he said he would try to do better, really try. he said that he would check out some therapists who could help him deal with his anger so he wouldn't snap at you like he does, and one night, you did catch him browsing through therapy websites. seeing this, you put a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek as it seemed like he was actually serious when he said he wanted to change for the better.

you were hopeful about his desire towards changing his ways, and much to your delight, he didn't let you down! he has yet to attend a therapy session, yes, but he was much calmer now. instead of yelling whenever you guys have an arguement, he would step out of the room and take a few deep breaths in the hallway to compose himself, then he would enter the room again and have a civilized conversation with you.

the drywall - which was usually his personal punching bag whenever his mood got sour and as a result, had numerous patches of beige colored paint in varying shades due to him punching holes into it time and time again - has never looked better.

he once confided in you, telling you that the reason he would never let you out of the house to go see your friends was because he's jealous of them. he was especially envious of your best friend, kenny omega. he was scared of losing you to him because he "knew" that kenny was much better looking than him and had a hell of a lot more money -- you were shocked to hear that he thought you'd leave him for someone else because of money, of all things, but bit your tongue seeing as he was opening  up to you about his insecurities and it would be inappropriate. he also mentioned the way you look at kenny, saying that you glance at him like he's your world.

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