a bunch of elite wingmen | hangman page

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a bunch of elite wingmen

pairing: hangman page x reader

plot: the elite are great wingmen, though their ways of going about it are questionable at best.

genre: general

warning: n/a

author's note: i know there are a lot of different types of spin the bottle. i just went with the one i knew best. enjoy!


your eyes flicked to the beer bottle spinning around in the middle of the space that the seven of you provided. it would be the one to decide your fate, to put it dramatically.

you and the rest of the elite decided to play the middle to high school classic after reminiscing about those days of your life. you talked about what kind of music you liked, your crushes, hobbies, the kind of friends you had back then, and why eighth grade friends were just absolutely the worst, most toxic people you've ever met. even when talking to six people who all had different experiences under their belts, you had yet to draw a conclusion to that question.

kenny - of course it was kenny - was the one to suggest it, simply quipping you guys want to play a game of truth or dare? y'know? for old times sake? sitting back on the sofa where he sat. and it's not like any of you had anything better to do, so you agreed, peer pressuring poor cody to drink his beer faster so you'd get the bottle, and start the game while you're at it.

after a few chugs - and some chokes, and firm pats on the back from nick because of said choking, you guys were finally set.

you guys lowered to the floor because it'd be easier to access the bottle that way. you were across hangman, and beside you was matt on one side, cody on the other. then, kenny was at hangman's as well as nick. adam was between cody and kenny -- adam and kenny being together made for a few awkward moments, but everyone was too lazy to get up and change positions. basically, the line up was you, matt, nick, hangman who was across from you, kenny, adam, and cody.

matt was the first one to spin the bottle and get asked truth or dare. the bottle pointed to cody who was quick to ask with a smirk on his face.

"dare, baby." matt responded, arms out by his side, obnoxiously chewing his gum. cody's smile widened. "i dare you to give kenny a hickie."

the older buck shrugged it off and leaned towards the older man and did exactly that. traveling together had its perks, one of those being the fact that they were quite comfortable with each other. kenny has seen matt in his most embarrassing moments and vice versa. next thing you know, matt was moving back to his seat, and kenny had a dark purple bruise by his clavicle.

you got lucky the first few turns. the bottle neck didn't stop at your direction yet. the real unlucky one was kenny who has now endured about five dares and a single truth. in addition to that, whenever another person was chosen by the bottle, the dare would usually include him. the mentioned happening with matt was just one example.

but as one would expect, luck could only get you so far.

nick was the one to spin it when it landed on you. his gaze transferred from the bottle to your widened, surprised eyes. the grin he sported was wicked and you were sure he was up to no good. you were also sure he saw the fear that striked in your eyeballs and the way you gulped. "[y/n], truth or dare?" despite all of this, you still chose dare. it may not have been the wisest option.

"okay then.." he tapped a finger on his chin, feigning thinking, but you knew him too well. you were well aware that he already had something in mind, something you would not approve of.

all of a sudden, you regret telling him about your crush on a certain cowboy who just so happens to be the world heavyweight champion of aew right now. you knew he'd use that knowledge against you.

being right has never been so... infuriating.

"i dare you to kiss hangman."

you glared at him, mouth opening slightly to cuss him out. before you could do so, he raised his arms up, palms to you in a surrendering position. "you can opt out of this... if you're chicken." the last word slipped out of his mouth slow and antagonizing. he wanted to annoy you. of course he did. he's nick jackson.

your mouth closed, pursed in a tight and small frown instead. you weren't gonna let the ugly romper-wearing brat get his way.

you glanced at the blonde in from of you, trying to gauge his reaction. you saw nick's eyebrows raising in your peripherals, challenging you, as if saying what? are you gonna do it or not?

"are you okay with this?" you quietly asked the man, inching closer and closer to him as you did so. shyly, he nodded and you couldn't help the way your heart melted at his reaction. you always found him so adorable. that's one of the reasons you started liking him in the first place.

you leaned in and pressed your lips against his with the intent of pulling back quickly, just a little, tiny peck.

that didn't happen.

his calloused hands found purchase on your hips, pulling you closer. you found yourself sitting on his lap, arms wound around his neck as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss, and slipping his tongue into your mouth.

you didn't know how long you were kissing when you heard someone clear their throat. breathlessly, you pulled away from him, your cheeks heated up along with his. he nodded at you and you hoped that meant you'd talk later.

"'bout damn time."

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