where i truly belong | kenny omega

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pairing: kenny omega x reader

plot: reader is kenny omega's partner who has had an interest in joining the elite for quite a while now, but they didn't due to the nepotism comments. when your with friends though and when everyone you knew were aware of the truth, you start to care less about what people think.

genre: general

warning: brief mention of drugs and alcohol

word count: 2.2k

author's note: this is such a fun concept! lots of fun to write.


since even before the very start of all elite wrestling, kenny had given you the option of joining the elite. he didn't directly ask you to be part of it, just in case you wanted to do something else, like be a singles competitor, but you knew that he really wanted to. even though he really wanted to have his friends and his partner to be by his side in and out of the ring, being a thoughtful boyfriend, he didn't exactly ask you to do that.

and you appreciated him not forcing you to do so, because you actually didn't want to join the elite, the only thing was, kenny's wrong. "only wanting to be a singles competitor" wasn't your actual reason for not wanting to join.

"babe, you know that there's always a place in the elite for you, right?" he peaked at you from above his phone.

when you opened your mouth to answer, he added a statement to his question. "i already asked matt and nick about it, they said it's fine since you're technically already a honorary member of the elite,"

"uh, i think i would rather not, actually. i don't really wanna deal with the nepotism comments," you waved him off. he tried to retort, but you just brushed it off, not wanting to make a big deal out of it, because it really wasn't a big deal. you were already bound to encounter a number of those type of remarks from social media simply because you were hired in the first place. besides, you've survived as long as you have not being part of the elite. it wasn't exactly a necessity. plus, aew just had their first television episode and is very new. a bunch of people saying you only got certain opportunities because of nepotism at this point of your aew career was the last thing you needed.

something both you and he knew though, was the door for being a member of the elite wasn't entirely closed. not at all.

and you're not complaining.

kenny was taking it pretty well, until you joined another faction, the dark order.

it all started when you were sitting alone at catering. kenny, both of the bucks, and cody were in a meeting with tony khan, and hangman was nowhere to be seen. your usual gang of friends weren't there, so upon seeing your lonely form, aew's resident recruitment specialists, john silver and alex reynolds quickly snagged the golden opportunity and sat across from you with large, toothy, cheesy grins.

it took a long time - along with many eye rolls on your part -, but eventually, with their wit and humor, they were starting to win you over. you started to accept their invitations to hang out in the dark order lair during dynamites and whenever you were there, you just fell in love with the group more. after all, what's not to love?

evil uno was charming but down-to-earth when you started to talk to him about video games. stu tried to intimidate you at first, but got thrown into the wall when anna jay entered the picture to say hello to you -- not that he intimidated you in the first place. ten was there too, although he quickly left when he asked you if he could get you some coke and you responded with "yeah, i'm a little thirsty,". his behavior confused you until five sat beside you and explained that the both of you were talking about a different coke, which made you crack up.

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