drabble: homecoming | marko stunt

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pairing: marko stunt x reader

prompt: #9 listening to the other's heartbeat

genre: general

warning: n/a

author's note: my first time writing for marko oh wow. this is also just a drabble. requested by anon, feedback appreciated!!


finally after two weeks, your boyfriend, marko stunt was home from tour. you missed him dearly, nearly toppling him over when you ran to hug him once he stepped into the confines of your shared apartment with a "sweetheart, i'm home!" wrapping everything you could around his frame.

you then spent the whole day with each other, practically attached at the hip as you sat on the sofa watching your shows, talking about how his tour went, how the crowds he performed in front of received him as well as the wrestlers he worked with, especially the newer ones. whenever he spoke about wrestling there was always a glimmer in his eyes. you just knew that he was made for this. this is what he was destined for and you were privileged to watch him and get a glimpse inside his mind as he performed his magic. once you hear him talk, it was impossible to say that it wasn't the case.

to no fault of his own though, he was tired.

after eating a nice warm meal that you specially prepared for his homecoming - it's something that he's missed, especially since you cooked his favorite - , he yawned and you guessed it was time to go to bed. washing the dishes and drying them was a blur, along with doing your nighttime routine. all you wanted was to cuddle up with your cute boyfriend and go to sleep.

unsurprisingly, once his head hit the pillow and his arms wrapped around your figure, he was fast asleep. sleep didn't come for you as easy though.

you tossed and turned as best as you were able to, considering the fact that marko's arm was heavy whenever he's asleep and of course, you did your best not to wake him.

giving up, you just stared at the wall, noticing the small cracks that you have never seen before and mild discoloration. they weren't easy to see, you just now noticed because you were focusing really hard.

all of a sudden, the arm around your waist tightened, then loosened. "can't fall asleep, [y/n]?"

you bit your lip guiltily. "sorry marko, did i wake you?"

he just yawned, his arm leaving your body for the first time that day - or night, to be more accurate -  to wipe his eyes. he repositioned his body so he laid on his back before beckoning you over. "c'mere babe, lemme sing for you"

when the song ended, your eyelids were already droopy and you felt like you were half unconscious, the only thing you were aware was his heartbeat singing you a soft song and his lips pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

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