comfort headcannons #2 | kenny omega

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heya nonnie! sorry this is so short and vague. everyone's panic/anxiety attacks are different so i didn't want to make it too detailed

♡ the first time it happened, kenny had no idea what to do

♡ he hated how helpless he felt when you looked like you were falling to pieces in front of him so after that, he asked you about your boundaries so he'd know what to do next time: if there was anything in particular that usually triggered your panic and/or anxiety attacks, if you wanted to be held when you were having one, if physical touch just made it worse, if there's something he could do to make you feel better

♡ he immediately looked more at ease after you told him about it

♡ the next time you had one was during the night of your title match

♡ you'd just been so stressed the days prior to that with media, mental and physical preparation, and what not

♡ not to mention you still had your daily chores to do

♡ the energetic atmosphere of the building along with the people approaching you every second - which interrupted you while getting ready - just overstimulated you and before you knew it, your chest started to feel tight and you were having a hard time breathing

♡ you were having an anxiety attack

♡ you stumbled over to an area where it was less noisy and there were less people, less triggering stimulants

♡ you pulled your knees to your chest and buried your face in it, trying your best to calm down, but your mind going a miles a minute didn't help at all

♡ somehow even with how busy he and everyone else was, kenny found you

♡ his eyes widened when he saw you curled up in the corner of an empty storage room and quietly shut the door, making sure he made as less noise as possible

♡ he crouched a few feet away from you, asking if him hugging you and rubbing your back would soothe you or not

♡ if you said yes, he would scoot closer to you and gently wrap his arms around your, careful not to hug you too tightly

♡ he'd move you so you were leaning your full body weight into him and trace little circles on your back, hoping to make you feel better

♡ if you said no then he would move further away from you, giving the space that you needed in order to calm down properly

♡ regardless of what you said, kenny would encourage you to breathe with him, slow and deep

♡ he'd keep an eye on you to make sure nothing worse would happen to you while in that vulnerable state and that no one would walk up inside and possibly worsen your condition

♡ he'd stay with you until you felt better, until you felt well enough to stand up and weather the championship match that's on the horizon

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