boyfriend headcannons #2 | sammy guevara

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♡ sammy guevara boyfriend headcannons ♡

this is my first time writing for him. tell me how it is! feedback is always welcome!

♡ the man makes you worry for him 24/7 from all those high-risk maneuvers and scary looking spots

♡ there are definitely times where 99% of you watching his match just becomes you covering your face because you can't bare to see what happens next

♡ whenever you express this to him, he kisses you at the top of your head and wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer

♡ "no pain, no gain, babe. sorry"

♡ but he really does appreciate your concern and thinks it's cute how you worry about him

♡ when he told you about that, you gently swatted him on his chest with a huff. "it's not funny!"

♡ he laughs, pulling you into a hug. "it's kinda funny... for real though, you don't have to worry about me. i'll be fine. i'll make sure i can really execute something before i actually try it without the bump mat." he says as he tries to ease your concerns

♡ "just can't help but worry about you." you mutter into his chest as you play with the part of his tank top that's scrunched into your palm

♡ the first time he took you to an aew show and let you hang around backstage, he led you to the inner circle's locker room

♡ at first, everyone there intimidated you, but as time went by, you warmed up to them. especially santana and ortiz who are now some of your best friends in the aew locker room

♡ if sammy has to be somewhere, you would usually be with them and when inner circle was feuding with the pinnacle, your boyfriend would leave you with the two to make sure that you were safe if he wasn't there

♡ in fact, the three of you are so close that there are times you would all pull a prank on sammy and once he found out, he would stare at you with wide eyes, feeling betrayed

♡ "whose side are you on?" he'd ask in disbelief

♡ but you'd only innocently smile up at him and bat your lashes, something that he usually enjoys seeing you do. not this time though

♡ "i should have never let you guys be friends..."

♡ also, during the time he'd loudly sing judas standing in the crowd, you volunteered to be some sort of makeshift vocal coach for him

♡ everyone in the inner circle was begging you to do that, jericho especially since sammy - even though he only had good intentions - kept on butchering his song, but your boyfriend didn't need to know that

♡ you laughed at them when they first told you that, but agreed nonetheless

♡ before he goes out and serenades jericho with his rendition of the song, you'd make him sing to you and you would give him constructive criticism on how to better his performance

♡ as we can all hear though, it didn't really work

♡ you would also make frequent appearances on his vlog, as long as you are comfortable with it

♡ you'd be part of the vlog crew and sammy's audience just adores you and always tells him that you're a keeper and that he better not mess the relationship up, but no one knows this better than him

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