three- an unexpected breakfast

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for inviting me." said Cassie, smiling at everyone in the group. There was eight girls not including Cassie, and they all had distinguishable features.

"Glad you could join us- I love your hair!" said Gael, reaching out to touch the ends of her hair. "Where do you get your shampoo?"

"Oh-" said Cassie a bit taken back at the girl's action. "my Grandma's sister ships me shampoo from America."

"America- you ever gone?" asked Marietta looking intrigued.

"For Christmas in third year." said Cassie with a smile on her face.

"Maybe we shouldn't interrogate her, guys." said Cho laughing. "Let me introduce everyone." Cho introduced everyone and Cassie knew she wasn't going to remember any of the names. They soon got their time tables handed to them and began to discuss what classes they had that day.

"What do you have, Cassie?" asked Madison.

"Uhm.. History of Magic, double Potions, Arithmancy, and double Defense Against the Dark Arts." Cassie said, reading over her schedule.

"Oh darn- nothing today. We're bound to have a class together- don't worry about it." said JJ, waving her hand in the air.

"Yeah probably-" said Cho before being cut off.

"We get it, Cho." said Gael sending her a glare.

Cassie watched this interaction confused, and pushed it off- she was just over thinking.

"Cassie you should come with us to the first Hogsmeade visit." suggested JJ.

"Oh maybe- I might have plans."

"Ooh- a boy?" asked a girl named Hannah, looking more serious than playful.

"No just-"

"You're always with Ron and Harry- or maybe Timothée? Louis?"

"They're all just friends." said Cassie obviously uncomfortable.

"Well I think-"

"Maybe we should let Cassie have a breather- don't push yourselves down her throat." said Cho, laughing at the end to seem less serious, but the girls just sent her a rude look.

Cassie stood up and grabbed her bag and schedule. "I'm going to make my way to first class- wouldn't want to be late on the first day." she said with a smile. "It was- er- nice meeting you all. See you."

Before anyone could object she began to walk away, sending a quick nod to Hermione at the Gryffindor table which soon led to her gesturing Harry and Ron to stand up. Cassie waved to some Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors and walked to History of Magic with her friends.

"How was breakfast with the Ravenclaws?" asked Harry.

"Uncomfortable- they touched my hair.." said Cassie, holding the ends of her hair.

"Well that sounds...different." said Hermione, obvious she was holding back her laugh.

Ron, however, was not laughing. "If they touched my hair I would grab their hands and shove them so far up their own-"

The view of Hermione holding back her laugh made the rest of the group laugh, causing looks to go in their direction as they walked the halls without a care in the world. Everyone thought Cassie lived on the attention given by other people- but all that popularity didn't matter when it came to her three best friends.

History of Magic was boring to say the least. Giant wars was not something Cassie was interested in, no matter how awake she was. Break came slower than usual, and the four wandered to a corner under a dripping balcony. They thought they finally got a private moment, until someone came in around the corner.

"Hello, Harry! Cassie!" said Cho, on her own. Where was her clique?

"Hey Cho." said Cassie calmly.

"H-Hi." said Harry, Cassie could see his face growing more and more red by the second. Cho was examining his body.

"You got that stuff off?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah. So did you- er- have a good summer?" he asked in between stutters.

Anyone in close distance could see the color drain from Cho's face. "Oh y' was alright..."

"Is that a Tornados badge?" asked Ron demandingly. "You don't support them do you?"

"Since I was 6." she said coolly. "Cya later Harry, Cassie." Cho began to walk at a faster pace she arrived at.

"Well that went great." said Cassie sarcastically. "C'mon, we've got potions."

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