Chapter 47

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My hand plays with Damien's hair as his head lays on my thighs, the view from the cliff is amazing, the city lights twinkle from the distance, the starts shimmer and the moon glows, the cold air bites my skin but I ignore it not wanting to leave from here.

"We should go back, the others might need us back." Damien says calmly, I can hear and feel his heartbreak.

"I don't want to go back, there's too much sadness and grief and problems." I say with a sigh, Damien glances up at me.

"3 more days and we'll be living our best life." Damien says caressing my cheek, than he frowns. "Fuck, you must be freezing." He quickly gets up and takes out his coat before draping it over me. "We should get back." Damien gets up, I sigh.

"Can't we stay out here?" I ask getting up, Damien chuckles and bends down before carrying me bridal style, I cuddle in closer and tuck my head in his neck.

"It's fine princess, you can get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up."Damien says.

"I know you'll be here, you always have been but if you were there for me when I was in need than I will be with you too." I say looking up at him, Damien gives me a small smile, soon after we reach the car.

"I love you princess." Damien says kissing my head.


We stare at the mansion in front of us, Damien's grip on my hand was tight. "Together alright, I'm with you at all times." I say with a small smile.
Damien breathed in and out a couple times before walking in.

Damien is instantly squashed in a hug by James, than Drew and Liv hugged him, they said their apologies, I could tell it was taking everything in Damien not to break or snap or break stuff.

"Thank you all of you." Damien says with a small nod before walking away, I hug Liv really quickly and follow Damien up the stairs.

I lock the door when we reach our room, Damien doesn't say anything as he takes off his shirt, exposing his back to me, the scorpion on his shoulder shifts with every move he makes, I walk up in front of him.

"I'm with you." I say pecking his lips quickly, Day sighs exhausted and a few tears roll down.

"We should get some sleep, we have a big day awaiting us." Damien says and walks to the bathroom, I sigh and try to unzip the dress, seriously, why are zips at the back, they should be somewhere where it's easy to reach, I try reaching my hand back to the zip again.

"You seem to be stuck in a dilemma." Damien says with a smirk before moving to my back. "Do you need help?" He whispers in my ear, I nod and I felt his hand touch my bare skin on my shoulder and I gasp at the electricity, his hand moves in slow motion as he unzips the dress, my heart is on a rollercoaster ride, my body is probably as hot as the sun right now.

The zip reaches till just above my backside, Damien backs away as I hold the dress in place, I turn around and he hands me his pyjamas shirt, I smile and head to the bathroom to change.

When I walk out Damien instantly pins me against the wall. "Just one kiss." Damien says pleading, I close my eyes and I connect our lips, Damien instantly catches up, his one arm snakes around my waist and the other behind my neck, my hands go up to his hair.

I deepen the kiss and lean more into him, Damien growls against me causing vibrations that spread throughout my whole body, igniting every inch of my body in flames.

"Jump princess." Damien says against my lips, I jump and he holds me up as I lock my legs around his waist, he connects our lips again exploring me again.

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