Chapter 18

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I stare at the amazing place in front of me, the ice rink, I start squealing excitedly.

"That's the ice rink!" I say jumping up and down. "Come on!" I start pulling Liam inside, he chuckles.

We get our passes and our skates, I feel my heart beating faster and faster, it's too crowded.

"What's wrong raspberry?" Liam asks concerned.

"Nothing just nervous!" I say with a smile, Liam looks at me suspiciously but doesn't ask anything else. We strap our skates in and Liam helps me walk.

"Don't worry raspberry, I know there's a few people and that you don't like the crowd but I won't leave you!" Liam says caressing my cheek, I sigh in relief and give him a small nod.

Have I mentioned that I suck at skating, well I do, a lot.

"Holy carrots, this is too slippery!" I shriek holding Liam's arm and shirt tighter.

"Yes I know, it's ice!" Lian says chuckling.

"I'm going to die!" I say dramatically.

"Nope, you're holding on pretty tight to my shirt!" Liam says smirking. "Just hold on and try follow my lead, we'll start slowly!" I nod.

After a while I kinda have the hang of it, I can stand without anything to support me.

"See that wasn't hard!" Liam says proudly. "Now we're going to try to actually skate!"

"But aren't we supposed to be going home already!" I say confused, I lose my balances and would have fallen on my butt if Liam hadn't snaked his arm around my waist.

"Nope, I told them to come here, maybe we could grab something to eat when they arrive!" Liam says smiling. "In fact they should be here soon!"

We skate for a while more before I spot Andrew, Connor and Liv walking in, I nearly pushed Liam but than I realized that I can't skate well.

"You bloody foolish girl, you said you were going to text me!" Liv says squashing me in a hug.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry for not texting you!" I say smiling. "Let's just have fun for a while!" I say excitedly.

"I don't know how to skate!" Liv says slightly embarrassed.

"Well that's fine!" Liam says and hangs his arm around my shoulder. "Andrew and Connor can help you!" Liam says grinning and all 3 of them turn a light shade of red, Liv was most definitely the darkest.

Liam drags me back to the ice, I can feel Liv glaring at me.

"All 3 of them are going to want revenge!" I say smiling.

"I know!" Liam says wickedly. "I need the bathroom, will you be fine for 5 minutes?" Liam asks concerned.

"Yes I will be fine, I shall try my very best not to fall and die!" I say smiling, Liam chuckles before kissing the top of my head and walking out, I look over at Liv, Connor and Andrew and nearly burst out laughing, they're arguing.

"Hey there sparkles!" A guy says standing right in front of me. "Your shirt is very unique!" The guy says smirking, he steps closer until our chests are nearly touching, I try going back but end up losing my balance, the guy instantly wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer.

"Whoa there sparkles, watch your step!" The guy says with an evil smirk. He looks about the same age as Andrew, 22.

"Let go of me!" I say and try pushing him away.

"Oh girl, you have no idea what trouble you ran into, you see right, I love your shirt!" The guy says smirking, I try pushing him away and he still wouldn't budge. "But don't you think it's too childish and girly and like not for your age!"

Then "bamm" he is pulled roughly away from me, I stagger backwards but someone catches me, I look and see Andrew with a concerned expression, Connor was red with anger, Liv was a mixture of both.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The other guy asked Connor angry, Liam skated in and looked at us confused, he raised an eyebrow but than he noticed how Andrew had both me and Liv protectively behind him, his face instantly filled with anger as he stood next to Connor.

"What the fuck did you do?" Liam asked angry, the guy snorted.

"I was having fun, the chick was lonely, she has a child's shirt on, not to forget the fact that she would look great without any clothes on!" Tge guy says with a smirk

Andrew tenses, both Connor and Liam turn red with anger, Liam starts marching or skating towards the guy.

"Guys, we have an audience!" Andrew says getting their attentions, we indeed had an audience of about 10 people, I pushed myself further behind Andrew. "We should go!"

"Yeah, walk away you pieces of filth!" Liam and Connor start skating towards us. "If you guys hadn't come, than I would have definitely saw the body beneath that hideous shirt!"

The next thing I see is Liam on top of the guy, swinging punch after punch, there's blood on the ice, I feel my brain shut down.

"Liam enough, we have to go!" Connor pulls Liam away, he whispers something in Liam's ear and his head snaps to me, his expression softens.
He skates over to me before pulling me in for a hug.

"We're leaving now!" Andrew says and we all skate out. Liv, Connor and Andrew go in Andrew's car.

I get in Liam's car and close my eyes, I feel Liam pull me in for another hug.

"I'm here, I'm sorry I left!" Liam says calmly and I hear and feel the guilt and hurt in his voice.

"My heart is beating really loud and fast, my lungs are screaming for more oxygen, my brain has shut down and I am now feeling squipish!" I ramble, Liam pulls back, hands me a bottle of water, opens the windows and gives me a stress relief ball, I look at him confused.

"The water might help the nauseous, the windows should help the lungs and their lack of oxygen and the ball might help the heart!" Liam says hurt.

"It's not your fault Liam!" I say and peck his cheek quickly.

"You were hurt again and I wasn't there!" Liam says angry gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are white.

"Let's just get back alright!" I say with a small smile, Liam doesn't say anything else and drives off.

"Liam can I ask you something, you need to be honest with me?" I ask with a sigh.

"Yeah anything." Liam says with a frown.

"Do you think it's silly of me to be like this?" I ask staring out the window.

"No raspberry, I don't think it's silly at all!" Liam says confidently.

"Maybe I really have gone-" A force smashes on my side and I feel everything turn upside down.

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