Chapter 37

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I wake up gasping for air, tears were rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably as I watched him die again in my dreams, the same nightmare that has been haunting me for a whole 2 months.

I sit up on the bed, the ocean view being the first thing I see, I get out of bed but than realize that the handcuffs were still there, I groan and lay back down on the bed feeling the sleep come back.

Maybe if you hadn't tried breaking out than there wouldn't have been any handcuffs.

I ignore my thoughts and close my eyes hoping that I don't have another nightmare. A knock on the door has me getting up in an instant and a maid walks in and hands me a letter before unlocking the handcuffs.

I sigh as I rub my hands hoping to numb some of the pain, I start reading the letter, pretty much saying the same thing it has been saying these past 2 months.

Good morning raspberry, hope your day goes by well, our merge is coming soon, I will be there to pick you up a day before the gala, I am so excited to be with you, I love you, see you soon.

I let out an angry sigh and tear the letter throwing it on the pile of other torn letters, anger was basically the only thing keeping me alive.

Another maid walks in with the platter of food and leaves it on the bedside table, I take a couple bites of the apple, the nauseous comes in waves again, tears threatened to roll down my cheeks but I held them in.

The maids cleaned up the room while I showered and everything, by the time I came out they were done cleaning up my whole room, the handcuffs were also ready, I sighed as they handcuffed my hand back to the bed.

The moment they left the room a scream ruptured through me, the walls start closing in, tears just pour out of my eyes like a waterfall, sobs escape my throat, I pull my knees to my chest, screaming for someone's help, my lungs squeeze for more air, my body begs for more food, my brain screams for peace, my heart shatters as it asks for peace.

I curl up into a ball as I try to grasp the little bit of sanity that I have left, anything that would just keep me alive for a little bit longer, I survived 2 months telling myself that.

Damien's POV

"Everyone in position?" I ask through my coms as I crouch low, the night sparkling with stars and the moon glistens on the ocean, my heart is beating faster, we've ambushed a bunch of places to find her, this is literally our last hope.

"We've been through this quite a few times Damien, I am pretty sure that even Andrew can mimic you already." Davina says sarcastically.

"Leave the guy alone Davina, he's about to find the love of his life again, he doesn't want us to know all the juicy details." James says just as sarcastic as Davina and than bursts into a soft laughter.

"Guys we have to move in now." Andrew says serious, we all go silent from our positions.

"I'm going in." James says. I start making my way around the house when the first set of 3 guards finally come to view, they quickly take out their guns but I kick it out of their hands, i knock 2 unconscious, the 3rd one holds out a knife in his hands and pounces at me, I block him before diving my knife through his chest and he collapses with a thud.

What happened to not killing anyone.

This is another name on your list.

Another family you've destroyed.

I feel blood trickling down my arm and I notice the small cut on my bicep, I sigh and carry on sneaking around.

I halt when the alarms start echoing through the house. "James what's wrong?" I whisper yell through the coms, when no response comes I start to panic and I stare up at the house.

"Stick to the plan Damien, I'm sure everything is fine." Davina says sternly.

Lea's POV

I pull the handcuffs hoping that it comes out, the gunshots and the alarms get louder, my heart is beating faster than it should, I yell for help but my voice breaks and barely comes out.

The door knob starts shaking vigorously, I pull the handcuffs more and more, ignoring the pain that it's causing, the door was thrown open and I back as far back against the bed as I can, i shut my eyes tightly.

"You're safe." My head snaps up at the familiar voice, I stare up at James who looks panicked, I move further back against the bed.

"This is an hallucination, you're not real." I say sobbing, he curses before taking out something from his pocket and starts to meddle with the handcuffs, I try pulling against him as I try to move further away from him.

The moment the handcuffs fall I get out of bed and aim outside but he quickly grabs my hand, I scream and yell.

"You're safe Lea." James says calmly before picking me up bridal style and starts running, I carry on yelling and smacking his chest as I try to get away from him.

Than he halts and puts me down softly, he gives me a small smile and motions with his head, I I quickly spivot and find him standing a few meters away, his face covered with shock and anger and relief as he sees me.

I take a couple hesitant steps towards him, my knees threaten to buckle underneath me but he strides towards me and engulfs me in a hug, my whole body gives up as I break and hug him back, we collapse on our knees and he holds me tightly, I bury my face on his chest as tears just keep on flowing.

"You're safe, you're with me, I won't let him take you again." Damien says softly.

"We have to go guys." James says calmly but slightly panicked, gunshots fill the room, Damien scoops me up in his arms. "Go, take her out of here, I'll cover you." I hear James say and Damien starts sprinting, I bury my face deeper in his chest muting the surroundings.

"Princess, you're safe, you can open your eyes, you're going home." I slowly open my eyes to find Damien staring down at me.

"You're alive, this is real?" I ask unsure, Damien wipes away my tears and nods.

"Someone would love to see you." Damien says smiling before placing me down on the floor.

"Hey there sweetheart, I was started to think you were dead." My head snaps around to find a grinning Drew, I didn't wait and rush to him, he meets me halfway and engulfs me in a hug. "I was so close to thinking that you were gone and that Connor would have haunted my life forever." Drew says laughing but I sense the worry in his voice.

"I'm surprised Connor isn't doing it just for fun." I say with a chuckle as he pulls back.

"There's a surprise for you at home." Drew says hopeful before Damien takes me back in his arms.

"Is Davina on the jet?" Damien asks concerned as we enter the jet.

"Yes yes, your other half is fine." Davina says with a smirk, Damien sighs in relief, James came running in.

"We have to go now or we're never leaving." James says breathless, everyone takes a seat, Day and I sit next to each other as the jet takes off, I tighten my grip and Damien's hand, he runs small circles on my hand.

"Get some rest princess, I'm not leaving you ever again." Damien says kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer, I nod and let my head rest on his chest, inhaling the sweet smell of lemon and sea water, a couple more tear slide down my cheeks and fall on his shirt and I ignore them as I let myself fall into the darkness.

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