Chapter 41

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I gasp awake, a throbbing pain on my chest, a pounding headache, the blinding lights, the hot temperature, everything feels weird.

"You're fine, fucking hell, I thought I had lost you." Damien says pulling me closer to him, I quickly sit up and look around the foreign room, Damien still looked not very well.

"Where are we?" I ask confused, my throat burns, Damien reaches for the cup of water and winces slightly, I take a few gulps of water enjoying it as it soothes my throat.

"Your house." Damien says cautiously, I stop drinking, stop breathing. "Liv suggested we come here, we called the doctor here too and he has inspected hopefully everyone."

"We're in my house?" I ask confused, Damien nods.

"Are you okay, does anythin hurt?" Damien asks concerned, he till my head to look at him.

"I'm fine, tired but as fine as I can get after escaping a burning building." I say with a sigh and get out of bed. "I definitely need a shower." I stare at my clothes.

"I have an idea that would waste less water and both of us can relax." Damien says with a smirk, he stands right in front of me and brushes the back of his hand against my cheek.

"What are you thinking?" I ask leaning against Damien.

"A bath would be more relaxing." Damien says with a smile.

"I guess it would be more relaxing." I say closing my eyes and letting my head rest on him.

"Alright than, we go prepare one." Damien says excitedly, I look up at him and smile.

"How is your wound?" I ask concerned.

"I have stiches and i have a couple lots of bruises on my left shoulder." Damien says pulling back slightly and removes his shirt, the cut is bandaged over, Damien slowly tilts to the side and I gasp at how badly bruised it is, I brush my finger against it and he winces.

"That is more than just a couple bruises." I say angry, Damien sighed dropping his shirt on the bed.

"Says you who went running into the fire." Damien retorts.

"I was saving our friends." I say angry.

"You ran into a burning building that was close to collapsing, do you have any idea how much it hurt not to see you coming out of the building." Damien argued back.

"I would rather have myself killed than let everyone in the building die while I sit by and watch it." I say clenching my jaw and fists.

"That's the fucking problem than, you're still trying to run from your past instead of facing, you're being a fucking hypocrite." Damien retorts angry, I don't think as my fist connects with his jaw, Damien staggers back with shock and than his face quickly drowns in guilt.

"Don't you dare call me a hypocrite for just trying to find happiness even if it's in death." I say angry, I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, Damien's face is full of regret and he takes a couple steps towards me causing me to take 3 more steps back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I spoke in the heat of the moment, please don't shut me off, please." Damien says softly, he takes a few more steps towards me and this time I don't back away. "I didn't mean it princess." Damien says pulling me in for a hug and I let my tears fall on his chest

"It's fine, I went out of line too." I say and wipe the tears. "Although i would really love that bath as a I'm sorry gift." I say pulling back, a red bruise was starting to show in his cheek, I graze my hands over it but pain shoots up my hand, Damien grabs my hand softly.

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