Chapter 42

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"Finally, took you guys long enough to come down." Davina says sarcastically.

"We had gotten held up." Damien replied back smirking.

"Geez, that must have been one heck of a held up because sweetheart over there is glowing and that spot on your neck, oo la la." Drew says with a wink, Davina, James and Liv burst out laughing, my face turns a deep shade of red and I bury my face in Damien's chest and move my hair more to the side, he chuckles.

"And I thought I was straightforward." Davina says excitedly.

"Let us tease him shall we." Damien whispers to me, I look at him confused and he smirks.

"Careful Andrew, that ring you bought won't just roll its way to her finger, I would suggest you to gather some guts and go down on your knee." Damien says smirking, Drew chokes on air and falls of the chair, his face was probably a much darker shade of red than mine was.

"You bought a ring, you were going to propose to me?" Liv asks excitedly, Drew flips Damien off as he nods to Liv and hugs her.

"Where did Davina go to?" I ask confused, Damien frowned.

"I'll go check up on her." Damien says with a sigh. "Has Dr. Been checked up on everyone that made it, is everyone safe, are they here or are they in their homes?" Damien asks.

"Dr. Been checked up everyone that made it, they weren't badly injured or anything and I sent them to their homes, at least there they're safe." James says. "And Mr. Wilson's people requested to speak with his daughter."

Damien looks down at me. "I can come with if you want."

"No it's fine." I say shaking my head, I check the clock and realize that it's 2AM. "I'll talk to them when morning comes."

"Alright than, I guess that was it for now, I am going to go sleep." James says with a yawn.

"Take care." Drew says hooking his arm with Liv's and they both walk off.

"I should go check up on my sister." Damien says concerned, I kiss his cheek before he leaves.

Damien's POV

I sit down next to my sister and pull her to my chest, she sniffs a couple times, silent tears roll down her eyes.

"I wish I could go back in time and undo what I did." I say.

"It wasn't your fault, it's just that even after all this time, I thought that it would be easier as time goes by but everything reminds me of him." Davina says and snuggles in closer with me.

"You really loved him, he's probably going to stay on your mind forever but trust me, another guy is going to come and you're slowly going to open up to him and love will blossom, who wouldn't fall in love with you, you're obviously my twin, you took after me." I say grinning, she chuckles and softly hits me on the stomach.

"Thank you Damien." Davina says with a sigh, I slowly rub her back, her heartbeat slows down and she falls asleep, I tuck her in the covers before leaving.

I head back to our room but don't see Lea there, I frown but lay on the bed, exhaustion starts taking over me and I fall asleep.

Lea's POV

I pour myself some cereal and sit up on the counter and start eating it.

"Why are you eating cereal at 2AM?"

"Because I'm hungry and it's the only easy thing I can make." I say smiling at my bff, she sits up on the counter next to me, I frown at her weird face expression, I put the bowl down and turn to her. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

She starts to fidget with her shirt and looks at the ground, she sniffles and hugs herself.
"I'm pregnant." Liv says just above a whisper, her voice breaking slightly.

It takes me a second to process what she said but than I let out a squeal. "You're pregnant." I say excitedly, Liv bursts out crying and I frown. "Liv why are you crying?" I ask pulls her in for a hug.

"I'm scared Lea, what if Andrew doesn't want the child, what if he leaves because I'm pregnant, I'm 18 for God's sake, I was supposed to be in college building a life for myself, getting pregnant just doesn't mix, what if Andrew doesn't want to be a dad?" Liv rambles as she cries on my shoulder.

"Liv, Drew loves you, he's not leaving you alright, he will be so happy when he finds out, he'll make an incredible dad." I say smiling, Liv sniffles a couple more times before pulling away. "Relax alright, it's not good for the baby." Liv chuckles.

"I found out 2 weeks ago when I had woken up, I am 2 months along." Liv says with a sigh.

"How, what made you run the pregnancy test?" I ask confused.

"I actually have no idea, the only things I know is that Dr. Been had done the test because he said something was weird and that's when he said I'm pregnant." Liv says with a yawn.

"I'm really happy for you Liv." I say and squash her in another hug. "Get some sleep or tell Drew now when you get to your room, I'm sure he won't leave." I say confidently.

"Thanks Liv, goodnight." Liv says before jumping off the counter and walking off, I quickly finish my cereal before walking back up to my room, I softly knock and peek my head through.

Damien laid on the bed, not covered with the duvet, the window was open, the room was probably the same temperature as Antarctica, Damien was literally curled up into a ball, his forehead glistening with sweat, he was mumbling some unknown things.

I softly tap his shoulder a couple times, he woke up startled, his eyes had been welled up with tears, he stares at me for a couple seconds but than pulls me to his chest.

"It's just a dream." Damien mumbles more to himself, his voice breaks slightly and he buries his face in my neck, panic and worry engulf me.
I pull back slightly, I wipe away the tears that had fallen from him.

"I love you, it was just a nightmare and I'm fine." I whisper and lay my forehead against his, Damien shuts his eyes tightly closed.

"I thought that it was real and that he had actually taken you from me." Damien says quietly, more tears fall and I gently wipe them away.

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." I say confidently.

"I don't want you to leave me, it terrifies me that one day I'm going to wake up and realise that it wasn't real." Damien says softly.

"I'm here." I say softly. "And I am not leaving you."

Damien let out a sigh before sitting up, his hair all over the place, he massages his temple, his eyes screwed tightly closed, I sit on the bed in front of him.

"What happened?" I ask worried, I brush the back of my hand against his cheek.

"Just a silly dream that felt very much real." Damien says with a sigh, he opens his eyes and cups my face with his hand and kisses my forehead. "You're my world princess."

I felt my face turn a light shade of red as butterflies explode in my stomach, Damien chuckles and pulls me into his chest. "Oh God, you're so fucking adorable."

"Stop that, you're making me blush." I say and bury my face in his chest, Damien laughs and kisses the top of my head.

"Why were you up either way, where had you been, when I came you weren't here?" Damien asks confused.

"I was in the kitchen eating cereal and Liv had come and we talked." I say with a yawn. "Liv is pregnant."

"Ahh that, I know that already." Damien says, I pull back and see him smiling, I give him a quizzical look. "The doctor had been tasked to tell me of anything different and her being pregnant was an important thing." I laugh and lean my head back on his chest.

"You're just something else pumpkin." I say with a chuckle.

"I know that." Damien says confidently. "We should probably get some sleep." Damien says with a sigh, I nod as my eyes start shutting down.

"Goodnight pumpkin." I mutter half asleep as I laid in the bed, Damien pulls me closer to him.

"Goodnight princess."

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