Chapter 28

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I slowly blink awake as the sun reaches my eyes, I stretch and yawn before sitting up on the bed, I stare around my room confused, a breakfast tray and a book sat on the small table.

I brush my teeth before taking the breakfast tray to the bed, a note was attached to the rose.
Get ready, I have something planned for tonight      and I have a feeling you would want take part in it.
Damien :)

I eat as much of the breakfast that I could, which was like 3 to 5 bites of the avocado sandwich and I finish the apple pieces, than I hop in the shower. I wear a gray pair of jeans with a black short sleeved shirt before I leave the room.

I make my way to Damien's office, the maids and housekeepers were already hustling around and cleaning up this huge mansion, I softly knock on the door before going in to find Damien buried in work, mounds of paperwork laid on the side.

I cleared my throat and he quickly looked up, clearly caught off guard.
He smirked. "I thought you actually weren't going to come, at least not this early."

I shrugged and sat on one of the chairs opposite. "You look like you could use some help and I don't think time is stopping all this time I have been in the room." I said neutral.

"Alright than I would very much appreciated if you separate whichever ones you see are bad and whichever ones you see are good." Damien says sliding the stack of papers towards me.

"The plan you mentioned in the note this morning, what is it?" I ask scanning through the first paper, Damien doesn't look up from his work.

"My sister wouldn't like being left out and besides a friend of mines should be paying a visit." Damien said waving his pen around, I nodded and carried on organizing the papers.


I finish the last paper as I set it down on the bad side before stretching and looking at the clock, we have been here for 3 hours already.

"I am done with these, anything else I can help with?" I ask slightly bored, Damien looks up, he pulls the stack of papers that has all the good ones, there's quite a lot in that stack.

Damien picked up the first and skimmed through it before sighing and putting it down. "Why is this on the good side, the man killed someone." Damien said confused, I raise an eyebrow.

"It was self defense, the other guy had attacked him and he was merely protecting himself." I say  defiantly, Damien let out a sigh before moving to the next one, he spent 3 whole minutes staring at it before banging his fist down.

"This lady was arrested for hitting and running, why the hell is she on the good side?" Damien asked frustrated.

"Maybe she's struggling with money problems and didn't want to add more problems, maybe she has kids!" I say just as frustrated, Damien stands up causing me to stand up too.

"She fucking bumped into a car and than she ran, what if there were children or someone else!" Damien exclaimed angry.

"She just wants to protect her family, would you have risked your family for someone else whom you don't know!" I yell angry.

"The fucking point is not about the fact that she has family, it's the fact that she's supposed to pay for what she did!" Damien yelled back, I'm pretty sure that if the table wasn't in between us, he would have slammed me against the wall.

"She has a family who needs her, it doesn't matter if she ran, she's protecting her family, it's what anyone with a family would do." I say calmer but defiantly.

"Since when do you know about family and protecting each other, last I checked you didn't have a family." Damien says as rage glowed in his eyes.

"That's enough Damien!" Both our heads turn around to find Davina stand by the door, looking very annoyed, I look back at Damien who had his eyes closed, his jaw was clenched.

I turn to go out and look back. "Just because I don't have a family doesn't mean I don't know what it feels like to have one, I may not know from experience but I know that if I had a family I would do anything to protect them." I say quietly before leaving the office.

Damien's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Davina asks angry, I grit my teeth.

"Not now Davina." I say shortly before pouring some bourbon in a glass, Davina marches to me, grabs the cup and drops it on the floor, I feel my anger rising more. "What the hell was that for?"

"You're letting your anger cloud everything else, you're not being you, pull yourself together and tell me exactly what's wrong!" Davina says mad, I sigh before grabbing my phone and opening to the latest news from today, it was a price, a huge price, for whoever brought Lea to The Ravens.

Davina swore as she read it.

"She isn't safe here." I say with a frustrated sigh.

"She isn't safe anywhere technically, we don't know how far The Ravens have their hands on, but this still doesn't explain the fact of why exactly did you bring up family and chug it at her face." Davina says with a sigh. "Get your ass up and go apologise to her, she has to come with us tonight." Davina says before walking out.

Do you always have to ruin everything.

I was just starting to think that she was warming up to us.

And you had to go and ruin it like you always do.

Maybe you're the one who needs to research what family is, clearly you're the one with issues.

And how is your family better than hers, you have your sister, she had her brother until you killed him.

I take a few deep breaths as I make my way to her room, I feel nervous somehow, I knock on her door and open it when I hear a come in, she was on the bed reading the book I left, i felt a smile grow.

Lea's POV

I stare up at Damian from my book, he awkwardly clears his throat.

"I apologise, lashing out on you regarding family was reckless of me." Damien says slightly confident, I nod before putting the book down.

"Thank you." I say genuinely, Damon gives me a small smile, for a split second I see him on the inside, I see a boy with lots of burdens on his shoulders, but it quickly vanishes, he smirks.

"Are you ready to hear tonight's plan princess?" Damien says smirking mischievously, I roll my eyes and follow him out.

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