Chapter 23

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3 months later

So these past 3 months have been quite boring, online school, some very boring dinners where my dad had to introduce me as the second in command, Liv and Andrew are dating and they both are pretty happy, my dad and I have gotten really close too.

And Liam and I have gotten closer too, although he has been getting more distant and whenever I ask he just says nothing, Andrew and Liv asked me the other day why Liam is acting different too, my dad is still suspicious of him even after all the stuff I told about Liam.

"Mrs. Wilson, your father has requested your presence in his study." The maid says from the door, I smile and nod before making my way to my dad's office, I pass by the mantle and a sad smile forms on my face, Connor's teddy bear sits proudly on top of it, Andrew had gone to his house a couple weeks after that day and he brought it back.

My dad smiled at me as I sat down on the chair and started eating the small chocolates he keeps on his desk, a couple seconds later Drew, Liv and Liam walk through the doors causing me to frown, Liam stands behind me and places his hands on my shoulders, gently massaging them and I sigh happy, Liv winks at me and roll my eyes.

"So dad, what's wrong?" I ask smiling.

"Well we got reports saying that there's a deal going on between The Scorpions and someone else and I was thinking that maybe we could check it out." My dad says cautiously.

"Where are they going to be?" Drew asks.

"About 1 hour away from here." My dad says with a nod.

"Well if you think it's a good idea than why not." I say excitedly.

"We will be taking a couple men with us, just in case we have to interfere, nothing is certain, we just want to see what Damien has been up to lately." My dad says calmly.
After that day, Damien didn't actually do anything much towards me, he did crash into a couple of dad's deals and other stuff but he hasn't done anything to me yet.

"We'll leave in 30 minutes." After that we each go get ready and we meet up at the garage in exactly 30 minutes.

Damien's POV

I swirl the scotch around, memories keep flooding my brain, it has been happening a lot more recently, their faces keep playing like a record in my brain, my blood boils in my veins as I throw the glass of scotch through the room, smashing it on the wall.

"Sir we have an update from her." One of my men say from the door, I nod before grabbing my coat. "There's a slight problem though according to your sister." He says cautiously and calmly. "The girl is going to be there."

Bells start ringing in my head. "Why the fuck is she going there?" I hiss angry.

"The boy, according to your sister, is connected in all this."

"The boy as in Liam?" I ask confused, the guy nods. "Get everything ready, we're leaving in 5 minutes."


Lea's POV

"Keep her with you at all times and keep her safe." My dad says nervously, Liam nods before we both take our spot behind the huge containers.

"Lea there is some I have to tell you." Liam says calmly but he is fidgeting with his shirt, I give him a confused look.

"What's wrong Liam?" I ask concerned.

"I'm sorry Lea, I don't have another choice." Before I can ask anything else I feel someone injecting me with something, the world starts blurring, Liam's figure looks sad and guilty but he nods to whoever is behind me before picking me up and the world turns black.


Damien's POV

"Sir the boy, we have more news on him." I hear one of my men say from my coms, I'm riding on top speed. "He is the heir to The Ravens."

"Are we sure about that?" I ask as I feel my anger boiling.

"Yes sir, your sister confirmed it and she said that The Ravens have something really bad planned for tonight."


Lea's POV

My senses start returning slowly as I hear voices, memories flash through my head and I instantly snap awake.

"Oh my god, you're alive." Liv exclaims in relief.

"What the hell is happening?" Drew asks frustrated and angry.

"I have a bad feeling." My dad says worried. The four of us are in a container tied up.

"Liam, he did something." I say confused, footsteps echo outside and stop right by our container.

"Open it now!" The voice bellows, a woman. The doors of the containers are thrown open.
A woman who looks about 40 or so, wearing probably the most expensive suit and the most amazing heels with an extremely dark shade of brown hair.

My dad gasped and the lady smirked at him. "Forgot about me Oliver!"

"What the hell do you want lady?" Drew asks angry.

"This must be the british right." The lady says smugly, Liam steps up from behind the lady, his face stone cold, emotionless.

"Liam what are you doing?" I ask confused, the lady's head snaps to me, she starts walking towards me, a gun in hand, she halts right in front of me before placing the gun underneath my chin.

"You must be the girl everyone is so smitten about, the fabulous Lea." She says grinning, venom lacing her every word. I let my eyes fall on Liam who's slightly tense but hasn't moved.

"Get away from her Lydia!" My dad says angry.

"Get them outside now!" She tells the men and they grab us, pulls us up and start dragging us outside before throwing us on the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" Liv asks mad.

"Well you see right, me and Oliver have a history." She says smirking before placing the gun under Liv's chin, Drew tenses. "I'm just here for payback and revenge."

"Your fight is with me not the kids, let them go!" My dad says pleading.

"I wish I could, but I already have a plan that won't be changed unless this happens." She signals for Liam to carry on, he takes a couple deep breaths before staring at me.

"Join us raspberry, you will be safe here and no one will ever hurt you." Liam says genuinely.

"Fucking hell dude, the fuck is wrong with you!" Drew bellows angry, Liam doesn't take his eyes off me.

"I'll take your silence as a no." Liam says with a sad smile before quickly putting on his expressionless face and marching off to one of the cars.

"Well it was worth a try." The lady says with a shrug before signaling to the other men and all hell erupts when she bangs Liv on the side of her head and Liv collapses with a thud, Andrew screams in anger and pain as he watches Liv collapse on the ground and not move.

My own tears start running down my face as I try to squirm out of the ropes, she turns the gun to me, smirks and pulls the trigger, a loud shot that causes my ears to start ringing but I feel nothing. Than more gunshots fill the air as I see who was shot.

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