Chapter 3

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"How the hell are we supposed to get to school, we have detention which is in an hour!" Liv says checking her phone.

"An uber!" I say trying not to show exactly how much I'm panicking, Liv looks at me before engulfing me in a hug.

"Just breathe right, we'll be fine!" Liv says confidently, I smile.

We call an uber and they say that it will arrive in 20 minutes, so we flop down on the pavement.

"I can't believe he just left us!" Liv says angry, I snort and put my arm around her shoulders.

"Maybe I should tell you my dream again!" I say excited and Liv instantly lights up causing me to chuckle.

"Tell me from the beginning until the uber arrives!" Liv says excitedly and turns to face me.

"I was new at the school and everyone hated me, you weren't there this time, but he was, I remember him staring at me during break in the cafeteria, I turned to him and saw his most pierced blue eyes looking at me, later after that, when I was walking to school a group of boys cornered me and than he somehow approached out of nowhere, we made eye contact and I woke up!" I finish my dream and Liv sighs dreamy.

"Why do you get to dream such cool stuff, I don't even know what I dream of!" Liv says chuckling. "And this blue eyed dude that has been your guardian in your dreams for the past year seems pretty awesome!"

"I know, I just wish I knew him!" I sigh annoyed and than the uber arrives as we cheer excitedly.
We get in and in that exact my I realise that something is wrong. It hasn't been 20 minutes yet, I quickly turn to tell Liv and her panicking face says that she knows some is wrong.

"Stop the car!" Liv says in her demanding tone that usually leaves everyone scared but the driver carries on driving.

"Sorry miss, can't do that!" The driver smirks and we instantly know that we are both in trouble. We instantly try unlocking the door but it doesn't budge, Liv tries to jump forwards to distract the driver and he takes out a gun that causes us to Yelp back on our seats.

"Sit down quietly, the person who is doing this just wants a nice connection!" The driver says with an evil smirk, Liv and I look at each other before nodding at the driver.

We sat there for about 15 minute before the driver finally stopped the car, he threw some weird brown bags and told us to wear them and we hesitantly did it.

Soon enough I felt someone grab my arm roughly and pull me, I heard Liv's voice saying something but my head was already fogged up, this guy is way too close making me claustrophobic and the bag isn't helping.

Breathe Lea, you can do it alright.

I focus on my breathing and try ignoring everything else around me, it was working until I felt them tie me to a chair before removing the bags, I had to shut my eyes close due to the brightness.

"Good evening girls!" My eyes adjust to the light and about 5 metres a man in a maroon suit stands, I look around and gasp, I hear Liv do the same.

This is a billionaire mansion, what type of stupidity did we get ourselves into. I try to squirm out of the ropes but it's too tight.

"Who in the name of Levi Ackermann are you?" Liv says frightened, I turn to her and smile and roll my eyes. Liv and her anime, the man gives her a quizzical look before looking at me.

"According to your reports you girls are supposed to be in school!" The man says with a sinister look and than he starts walk towards us keeping his gaze on me, he stopped when he was right in front of me and he stared down at me with his sinister look.

His face seems very familiar, I just don't know where I saw him.

"Why were you two at the mall?" He asks, his voice calm but I am pretty sure you can hear the sinister pouring out of his mouth like lava.

Me and Liv look at each other and before either of us could say anything I felt a blow to the side of my cheek and everything goes numb for a while, I feel the blood trickle down the side of my face, I hear Liv screaming and swearing at the back.

The man gripped my chin roughly and forced me to look into his sinister blue eyes and that's when it snaps in my brain, oh dang this is Liam's father.

"Why exactly were you you guys spotted with my son?" He growls at me and before I can answer I feel a blow on my side and the chair loses balance and it falls making me bang my head on the floor and instantly see black spots everywhere.

Liv's POV

I scream in horror when Lea bangs her head on the floor, she doesn't move and I feel tears running down my face, I look at the man and he is staring down at Lea with his evil look, he looks up, makes eye contact with me and than starts walking towards me.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I hear the way too familiar voice echoing angrily through the mansion and than the body of Liam comes to view. "I asked what the fuck is going on here father?" Liam says and then I realise that this is actually Liam's father.

"Oh son, these girls were spotted with you and I was just here trying to make sure they're not ruining your reputation!" The man says with a fake smile while staring at me, I look down at Lea and she's still not moving.

"Get the fuck out, I'll handle it!" Liam says through gritted teeth, the man smirks and walks out and all the other guys do the same.

Liam rushes to me and unties the rope before moving to Lea, his face has a mixture of anger, annoyance and guilt, he unties Lea's rope and carries her bridal style, her head is bleeding a bit and she is still breathing.

"How did you guys end up here?" Liam asks walking ahead of me, his voice is gone back to his bored tone.

"We had called an uber to drive us back to school and than an uber arrived but it wasn't the one we had called and than this guy brought us here!" I blab and than notice that I'm shaking. "Will she be alright?" I step in front of Liam and he halts, he looks down and his face is again filled with guilt.

"She'll be fine, I can't take her to the hospital because they'll ask lots of questions about how this happened, so I will take her to my house!" I stood there trying to process his plan.

"What about her parents?" I ask worried, Liam thought for a second.

"Cover for her, I will drop you home and than you call her parents and say that she is staying for a sleepover there and just make up some shit about stuff!" Liam says angry and I know not to argue so I just agree.

When Lea wakes up I am most definitely going to murder her again.


Hey there guys!

Hope everyone is well!

So boredom got me to post another chapter, hope you guys like it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment and share.

Love you guys!


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