Chapter 43

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"Can we just lay here?" I mumble drowsily, Damien chuckles, his hand ruhs small circles on my back, the light from the sun shined across the room, brightening the huge room.

"As much as I would love to, no." Damien says with a smile, I look up at him and sigh.

"But I want to stay here so badly." I sigh frustrated, I trace my fingers over his bare chest.

"You're distracting me and the answer is still sadly no." Damien says and pinches my nose.

"Do we take a bath together than?" I ask with a smirk.

"Soon princess, right now we have to go meet your people." Damien says smirking mischievously, I groan and bury my face in his chest. "What's wrong, do you have a headache, are you feeling ill?" Damien asks worried, he sits up and pulls me up with him and tilts my face to look at him.

"I'm just really nervous, what if they expect someone as strong as my father, I don't think I can ever be a leader of a gang Damien." I ramble with a frustrated sigh, Damien smiles and pecks my lips softly.

"Oh princess, you will make an awesome leader, you don't have to be your father, just be yourself alright." Damien says with a smile before leaning in to kiss, I feel him smiling against my lips as one of my hands cup his face and the other rests on his waist.

His one hand grazes my waist sending jolts of energy up my spine, I shiver against him, Damien smirks and pulls away. "Later princess or I might take you to cloud 9 right now."
My face turns red as my whole body heats up, Damien chuckles and gets out of bed, he stretches his arms over his head and I watch as his muscles and tattoo move.

"Do I have to speak to them?" I ask with a groan as I stand up, I feel Damien's gaze on me as I stretch, me being fully aware that his shirt rose up a bit.

"Well you are the heir so yes." Damien says before wrapping his arms around me letting them go underneath the shirt, I sigh and lean back into his chest.

"I just really want all this to end so that we can go run off into the sunshine together." I say with an annoyed sigh.

"There's 10 more days for the gala, 14 more days until we're married and hopefully we'll be able to take down The Ravens before going on honeymoon." Damien says calmly. "Tell me what's on your mind princess."

I sigh and pull away from Damien. "Later, right now we should probably head downstairs." I don't look back as I enter the bathroom and lock the door.

When I come out after talking a shower and changing into a new pair of clothes Damien isn't in the room, I sigh and head down to the kitchen where I see James and Davina.

"Good morning guys." I say and take the seat next to Davina.

"Your people are waiting for you by the backyard." James says with a sma smile.

"Now, they're there now?" I ask panicking, James nods, I take a few deep breaths and head out to the garden.

The murmurs stop the moment I walk through the glass door leading outside, quite a huge crowd of people waiting for me, my heart is beating faster and louder than I want it too.

"Mrs. Lea we're so sorry about your father, he was a great man." A lady that looked like she was in her 40s said.

"We were very grieved when we found out that he had been killed."

"He had been such a generous person to all of us."

"Thank you for all those kind words." I say with a smile.

"Are you going to explain why the fuck are The Scorpions doing in the house?" A voice says angry, I catch his gaze on me, he looked about the same age as my dad, but like the evil and darker version of him.

"The Scorpions aren't the villains here." I say confidently, a lady standing a couple feet away from the man bursts out laughing.

"I wonder what fucked up world you live on, don't you see kid, they're the most dismembered gang, their leader is basically just an asshole with anger issues." The lady says with a smirk, I feel the blood boil in my veins.

"The asshole you're talking about is the only reason I'm here alive, that asshole is going to my husband in 14 days, I would be careful of how I speak if I were you." I say through gritted teeth, my fists were clenched.

"Mrs. Lea is going to be marrying the leader of The Scorpions!" Some guy says from the crowd, the murmurs started as everyone started speaking and disagreeing, I felt myself get light-headed, I try getting their attention but they carry on talking, until I felt a pair of arms around my waist, his breath tickling me on my neck and my senses returned to me.

Everyone went silent as Damien smirked at them. "I believe that you guys are talking about me right."

"Well why the fuck shouldn't we?" The same man who asked why Damien and them were here.

"I never said you shouldn't but maybe if I were you I would show more respect to your leader." Damien says with just a hint of anger.

"The girl will never be our leader, why would she even be worth it." Some lady said, Damien's grip around my waist just tightened.

"Fucking speak with respect or leave, she's the leader of this gang, The Ravens are planning some really huge, they want to take over all the gangs leaving only them in charge, if that happens there will be bloodshed, so I would suggest you all to fucking shut up and corporate." Everyone went deadly quiet.

"There have been rumour of that, we didn't really know that they were real." Some guy says apoplectic.

"We will stand by whatever Mrs. Lea decides just as we stood by her father."

"I would like a word with Mrs. Lea alone." The man said, Damien's body was as stiff as ice.

"My dad's office in 15 minutes." I say with a nod.

"We are very happy to have you back Mrs. Lea." One of the maids say excitedly before they all go back in the house, leaving Damien and I outside.

I turn around in his arms and lay my head on his chest. "Thank you for coming."

"I'm worried." Damien says and I can hear the fear in his voice, I look up at him and let my hand brush his cheek. "I don't know if I'm even doing the right thing, what if I'm not, what if I only made it worse, what if Liam manages to merge you with him in the last minute, if that happens than I won't be able to do anything."

"It won't happen alright, we'll come up with a plan that they won't see coming." I say confidently, Damien frowns. "We'll be fine pumpkin." I go up in my tiptoes and peck his lips quickly. "You have done so much for me already."

"If I had than we wouldn't be dealing with all these problems, we would have running to the rainbow together, living the life of our dreams and we wouldn't have had scars." Damien says frustrated.

"You know what, you need some time away from the gang, for just a couple hours." I say excitedly.

Damien snorts. "And what do you suggest we do during that time?" I roll my eyes.

"Pumpkin we're going to find your hobbies." I say and peck his lips again before walking away.

I make my way to my dad's office where the man is standing looking very annoyed. "Why didn't you go in?" I ask confused as I swing the doors open, the memories threaten to flood in but I quickly stuff them deep inside.

"I was your father's most trusted friend, he wouldn't have minded me entering the office, but it belongs to you now." The man says calmly. "Oliver Brown." He extended his hand and I shook.

"I am sorry about all this." I say apologetic.

"You shouldn't be apologizing for being the heir and I'm sure you will make a great leader, I apologize for earlier, I was trying to grasp everything that was happening." Oliver says kindly. "If it's possible for you to tell me the complete story, I would really appreciate it."

I nodded and started telling the stories of how everything had gone down the hill after the night my dad died.

Ever Since I Met Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें