Chapter 22

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"Nooooooooo!" I scream as Connor's body falls limp on the marble floor, blood spreads across the marble floor, blood red against the sparkling white, my heart shatters into a thousand pieces as all the memories we had flash through my head.

"That princess is my present to you." Damian whispers before letting me go and I collapse on my knees as I stare at my brother's lifeless body.

"No no no, this can't be happening." Liv says sobbing.

"Lea untie me." I hear Liam saying, I move towards him and untie his rope as he instantly pulls me closer to him and moves on to untie dad and Liv who is staring at Connor's body in shock with tears running down her face.

I sink back down on my knees next to Liv, Liam goes to check on Andrew and I hear him groan before he starts swearing when he sees Connor, he instantly strides towards Liv, sit down next to her and pulls her in for a hug and she breaks into an uncontrollable cry.

"I didn't tell him I was sorry, I didn't tell him that I did love him, I didn't tell him that I no longer held a grudge for what happened." Lea says in between sobs.

I feel myself being pulled in for a hug as my sobs turn into an uncontrollable cry and screams, Liam runs his hand up and down my back.

"I'll take care of everything, get some rest you 4." My dad says calmly, but I hear the guilt in his voice. Liam picks me up bridal style as I tuck my head in, tears are running down my face uncontrollably, I feel Liam's shirt get wet from my tears.

Liam puts me down when we reach the room but doesn't pull away and keeps me tightly against his chest as I cry.

"Everything will be fine raspberry." Liam says calmly. "Let's try getting you some sleep alright." I nod and pull back, Liam's hands trail to the back of my head where he untied the mask and lets it fall down. "Breathe raspberry." Liam says calmly.

"He killed Connor." I say as tears roll down my face.

"I know raspberry, but I also know that you're strong enough to get through this, you have amazing people around you." Liam says caressing my cheek.

"What if I'm not strong enough?" I ask with a sigh and a sob.

"I will be there every step of the way raspberry, I  will not leave you alone ever and whenever you feel that you're not strong enough, than I will be there to help you." Liam says confidently, I don't say anything and just crash our lips, Liam instantly puts his hands on my waist as mine go over his neck, the world fades out and it's just us.

"Jump." Liam whispers when he breaks the kiss, I do it and he instantly wraps my legs around his waist and carries on kissing me laying me down on the bed.

"This isn't right and you should get some sleep." Lian says panting and pulls back, I nod, get up and head to the bathroom.
When I come out Liam is already in bed, staring at the ceiling, his chest bare.

I lay my head on his chest and let his heartbeat calm me down.

"Do you think it hurt?" I ask half asleep, Liam makes small circles on my waist.

"No get some sleep raspberry." Liam says with a sigh, I nod and feel my brain shut down. "You're putting me in a tough position Lea, the day is getting closer and there's nothing i can do about it."

I want to ask Liam what he's talking about but my brain has already shut down and it has stepped into the world of nightmares.


"I got everything covered." My dad says calmly to us. We are currently in his office, Liv is standing next to Andrew and he has a supporting arm around her waist, Liam is behind me.

"And what about his parents?" Andrew asks.

"Connor overdosed at a party." My dad says with a sigh.

"So that's it, we're not going to do anything else?" Liv asks angry, Andrew visibly tightens his grip around her waist.

"There's nothing else we can do." My dad says guilty.

"Well how about killing Damien." Liv says frustrated.

"Liv we will get revenge for Connor, he was just as close to me as you were close to him." I snap at my bff, I regret the words the moment they left my mouth, Liv stares at me shocked and angry before storming out, Andrew gives me a small smile and follows her out.

"I never meant to drag you guys into this." My dad says stressful.

"I know dad and it's not your fault, it's Damien's and he will pay." I say confidently, my dad nods, I give him a smile and leave.

"You should go talk to Liv." Liam says. I nod and make my way to her room, I softly knock on it, Andrew opens the door and when he sees that it's me he lets me in and leaves.

Liv is laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, I lay down next to her and hold her hand.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you." I say with a sigh.

"It's fine, I'm just really angry about Connor's death, he didn't deserve it and I was hoping you would have used your leader skills and told your dad that we should go kill Damian." Liv says with a sniff and a small chuckle causing me to chuckle with her.

"I really do want to, but there would be more deaths if we don't think this true, but one thing I know for sure is that Damian will pay for what he did." I say confidently and hug Liv and she hugs me back.

"You know that thing where they say that you only know you love someone after you let them go?" Liv asks sniffing, I nod. "I think I was in love with Connor but just didn't want to admit it, before Damian attacked us, he had pulled me aside and apologized, he said that he loved me and I walked away."

"I wish I had told him that he is a great brother." I say feeling my own tears run down my face.

"I want to be a part of this, I don't want to go home Lea." Liv says sad.

"But what about your parents?" I ask worried.

"For them, I already started college." Liv says with a shrug.

"But what about your school, you can't just stop it, your future?" I ask Liv confused.

"We'll do online together." Liv says smiling, I feel my own smile grow as I squash my bff in a bone crushing hug.

"You have no idea how much it means for me that you're here."

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