Chapter 27

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I pace across the room as my thoughts keep swirling, the clock reads 2AM, my head hurts and I am pretty sure that I am going to die of lack of food.

I swing open the windows, the windy chilled air causing me to sigh as shivers skitter up my spine, I go through my breathing routine, hoping that it calms me down.
5 minutes later I am lacking air again even though the windows are fully open.

I groan before grabbing the medium sized blanket, wrapping it around my body because there's no way I'm walking around in just shorts and a shirt, I slowly open the door and peep outside to see if anyone was there.

I quietly make my way around the house, looking for a door to a balcony or a door to the garden.

I must have been walking for about 5 or more minutes when I gave up and decided to just head back to the room.

Do you think what Liam felt was real or was he just using us for his plan.

Well I know for sure that he used us like everyone else.

Why exactly did we let him in, what happened to never letting anyone in.

I snap back to reality as I drop the blankets on the floor whilst tears were rolling down my cheeks, I quickly wipe them off and pick up my blanket, I look around and notice that I am completely off trail and I have no idea where I am.

I sigh frustrated and exhausted and just swing open the first door I see and I am met with stairs, interesting, I look back in the hallway to see if anyone was following me before going up the stairs.

It took about 2 minutes to reach the top, I swing open the worn out door and I am met with fresh, cold, crispy night air. I'm on the roof of this mansion, geez, I peak over the edge and go slightly dizzy, alright we're staying away from the edge.

I find a place against the roof and just sit with the blanket wrap around me as I gaze at the stars.

My eyes start shutting down as I tighten my blanket around me.
I hear the door opening and I instantly wake up, I feel around for something to chug at whoever it is and grab hold of a small rock.

My heart hammers in my chest as I try to listen to anything else but am met with dead silent, I breath out in relief, just a brain trick.

In a second I was picked up from the back, before I could scream the person covered my mouth and I felt the tip of a knife against my neck, pressing it slightly for me to feel a droplet of blood roll down, their breath hot against my ear as I start having a panic attack.

"Who the fuck are you and what in the fucking hell are you doing here?" I sigh when I recognize Damien, I try my best to kick him back on the knees, he gets distracted for a second and I take the opportunity to just pull out of him and turn to face him, his face twists into confusion as he realizes that it's me.

"You nearly killed me!" I say angry as I wipe the droplet of blood from my neck, Damien raises an eyebrow.

"It's your fault because one this is my spot and two, I'm a gang leader who is trained to kill, what do you expect, rainbows." Damien says mad.

"Maybe you should have looked first before attacking, that's what eyes are for!" I yell angry.

"Maybe princess you should have stayed in your tower, at least there you wouldn't be such a burden and would have been with your happy adoptive family even if they didn't make an effort to treat you like their own daughter!" Damien yelled back angry, I flinch and moved far back against the edge, tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

I heard Damien swear viciously but I kept my eyes on the floor.
"I didn't mean it like that princess." I can hear the sincerity in his voice but I keep my eyes down and closed, memories carry on replaying in my head and I hear myself sobbing. "Next time try asking for permission before stumbling into danger." I hear the door closing and I collapse on my knees as I start sobbing uncontrollably.

He is actually quite right about you being a burden.

If you hadn't fallen for Liam, Connor would have been alive, Liv wouldn't be in a coma, your dad would have been alive too.

Maybe life would be better off if you don't exist.

Damien's POV

Taking your anger out on the wrong person don't you think.

Ehh doesn't he always do that.

It is the cause of most of our problems.

I grab my head as I try muting my thoughts, doesn't work, I pour a drink and gulp it down.

If your father hadn't been killed than he would have most definitely died of drinking problems.

Soon you might too.

I groan and turn around to go back to her, she may be my least favourite person but I hurt her and I should apologise, I slightly jog as I make my way back to the roof.

I swing open that door and my heart leaps from my chest.

"Princess, come down from there." I say sternly but worried, Lea looks over her shoulder to me, she's way to on edge.

Lea's POV

I look back at Damien, I see regret, guilt, worry and fear reflecting on his face.

"Princess, just come down alright, I'm sorry, I didn't mean those words." Damien takes a small step towards me, tears were still running down my face uncontrollably.

"I'm just a burden for everyone, I'm the one person people use for their own benefits, I'm the stupid fool who falls for all of it." I say angry.

"Jumping off this would be the biggest mistake you ever do." Damien says and takes another step towards me, I take another small step closer to the edge.

"Why do you care if I jump or not, I'm just someone you're using too." I say angry.

"That's not the point princess, I jumped too!" Damien says calmly and takes another small step towards me causing me to take a much smaller step towards the edge.
Damien starts cursing.

"Listen to me princess, jumping off this will bring you more pain than peace, your whole body will feel as if it's on fire, your brain will try shutting down but your body will carry on fighting, 10 seconds will feel like 10 minutes as your body burns with pain, it's not worth it princess." I look back over to see Damien about 2 metres away, his eyes slightly glazed.

"I just want the pain to be gone." I say and look back over the edge, I take a step back but in the last second my foot slipped and I felt myself fall, in that split second a part of me still thought that it would be for the best before I was pulled back.

Damien's POV

I collapse back with her against me, my heart beating faster than it has ever beaten, her sobs and tears are the only thing I can hear, for the first time since God knows when, my thoughts are silent.

I pull her closer as I rub her back, her skin was ice cold from the windy and cold night air.

"I'm tired of getting hurt and being used." Lea says with a few hiccups, her voice exhausted and slightly drowsy. I don't say anything and just hold her tighter against my body.

My heart was still beating fast as she lay asleep against me, my thoughts were dead quiet, adrenaline pumping through my veins, suddenly I felt rage towards the world, towards people whom have hurt her, what the fuck is wrong with me.

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