Chapter 44

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I lay back again the car and close my eyes, letting the warmth of the sun to seep through my bones.

How long has it been since we had a daydreaming moment?

It feels like it's been an eternity.

But why would we need to daydream when we have our own personal hot guy that we're getting married to soon.

You're right, he's very good looking.

And charming.

"I'll take a guess and say you're thinking about how hot I look." I open my eyes and find Damien standing a couple feet away, a smirk plastered on his face, his black jeans, black button up shirt, black shoes. "Stop staring princess."

My face instantly heats up. "Well what do you expect me to do?" I giggle, Damien chuckles before pulling me to him.

"You're looking quite gorgeous too princess." Damien says smirking, he connects our lips in a very short kiss that still leaves me breathless.

"A little warning next time." I say breathless, Damien chuckles before pulling away, he opens the car door on my side and closes it before making his way to the driver's seat.

"So princess where do we go to?" Damien asks smiling.

"I have tickets to the fair which is 2 hours away from here but it also starts at 6 PM, it is 9AM, we have 7 hours to do more fun stuff that include visiting the park so that we can feed ducks, picnic and than the game arcade and if there's time than we're going laser tagging." I say excitedly.

Damien stares at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen on him, his eyes glimmer with amusement, he slides his hand before my neck and kissed me softly. "What have I ever done to deserve you." He says more to himself, my cheeks bloom with colour and I drop a kiss on his cheek.

"You're going to make me emotional pumpkin." I say smiling, he chuckles and starts driving.

"How did the meeting go?" Damien asks and looks at me from my corner of his eye.

"It wasn't that bad, his name is Oliver, he was my dad's second in command." I say with a shrug.

"Are you sure about it?" Damien asks suspiciously, I turn to face him and raise my eyebrow. "Sorry, just have this thing in my mind that something wrong is going to happen." Damien says with a sigh.

I brush my hand against his cheek. "Relax alright, whatever happens we'll face it together pumpkin." I say and soon after we reach the park, I excitedly get out of the car not waiting for Damien who was coming to open the door, I open the boot and take out the picnic basket I had packed quickly before coming.

"What, when did you even do this?" Damien asks smiling and takes the basket from my hand.

"I can multitask pretty well and besides I had help from Davina and Liv." I say, Damien pecks my cheek before taking my hand in his, sending fireworks up my arm, the park was a bit more full than I expected but we quickly find a spot close to the lake.

Damien helps me spread the blanket and we both sit opposite each other, I remove the neatly wrapped chocolate spread sandwiches, some cut up fruits and grapes and there was some bread for the ducks and some orange juice.

Damien chuckles and takes a few bites of the sandwich as I do the same thing. "Tell me more about you princess." Damien says excitedly.

"Well there isn't much to me pumpkin, just a random girl." I say with a shrug.

"I remember this one time when Davina and I were 7, she was the loud and outgoing one and I was the quiet kid who sat in the corner and was ignored." Damien says smiling, his eyes have a distant look as though he has gone back in time and is reliving the day. "This one day, a boy walked right up to Davina and was about to kiss her and she acted on instinct that my father had thought us, she had the kid down on the floor bleeding and unconscious." Damien chuckles. "Than this group of like another 3 boys, 7 years old, approached her, this time I knew she wouldn't be able to take them down so I got up and stood next to her, in a few minutes all 3 boys were on the floor. We were sent to the principal's office and got suspended." I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, you guys ganged up on the kids." I say in between laughter.

"They were being assholes." Damien says with a chuckle, my laughter finally subsides and I stare at an amused looking Damien. "You have some chocolate spread right there." Before I can ask where he is leaning in and connecting our lips, my body ignites in fire.

He pulls back and smirks. "Chocolate and strawberries, an even better combination." My whole face is as red as tomato.

"What happened to the warning?" I ask breathless, Damien chuckles.

"Let us go feed the ducks." Damien says excitedly getting up, I laugh and grab his extended hand, we both take a couple pieces of bread and walk closer to the lake, we throw small bits and ducks instantly swarm around it.

"I have always wanted to do this." I say excitedly as I throw the last piece of bread in the water and turn to go back to our blanket, Damien turns me around and pulls me against his chest, my heart starts beating faster and I am pretty sure he can hear it through the shirt.

"I love you, I am going to burn down this world for your love, I will tear through everything to reach you if we ever separate and I am going to give you the happiness that you deserve." Damien says without blinking, I feel my eyes fill up with tears.

"You're making me cry." I say with a half chuckle and half cry, Damien hugs me tightly and I rest my head on his chest hearing the thundering heartbeat, I open my mouth to say something but someone bumped into us.

Damien instantly pulled back, his face is filled with frustration, a guy who looked about the same age as Damien except more built and reeked of alcohol and smoke smirked at him.

"You should really stop your kissing and see what's happening around you." The guy says smirking, he takes one step closer to us and Damien's grip around me tightened.

"We apologise." Damien says, his voice was filled with anger as his eyes glimmered with the rage.

"Oooo how did a grumpy asshole like you get such a girl." The guy says sarcastically.

"How about you leave us alone." Damien says through gritted teeth.

"But I need some fun and the chick looks like she could give me some." The guy says with a shrug.

"Yo Roger, whatcha up to?" Another guy comes out of nowhere, the 2nd guy stands behind us while the 1st one stands in front of us with his hands crossed.

"Having fun." The 1st guy says.

"Will we be sharing or are you going to have her for yourself?" 2nd guy asks, 1st guy roves his eyes up and down my body, Damien lets out a growl.

"You're messing with the wrong people." Damien says calmly but his anger was flowing out of him.

"Hey you two creeps, get the fuck out." A female voice bellows from and both guys quickly scram away, the lady comes closer to us, she is wearing a police officer uniform and a gun in her hand, she gave us a wide smile. "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, hopefully he didn't ruin you two loverbirds' day, be safe." She says and walks away.

My heart was still beating loud, suddenly the sun disappeared and when I looked up, I saw huge grey clouds covering the sky, my emotions had already gone down the drain, Damien doesn't say anything and leads me back to the car.

"Our basket." I say quietly, Damien doesn't stop until we reach the car.

"I'll fetch it." Damien says unlocking the car before walking away, I sigh and get in, a couple minutes later Damien is in the car, he grips the steering wheel tight enough that his knuckles are white.

I don't wait for my thoughts and quickly jump over on him and plant my lips on his, Dark gasps shocked and kisses me back, his one hand goes to my hair and his other on my waist, he breaks the kiss and leans his forehead on mine.

"I love you, I couldn't protect you and I just ruined your perfect day." Damien says frowning, I hug him tightly and rest my head on the crook of his neck just as he does the same.

"You didn't ruin the day pumpkin." I say. "I had the best morning ever." I say genuinely, Damien pulls away, he brushes my hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"We can go to the fair still." Damien says with a smile causing my own lips to quirk upwards.

I jump back to my place and put the seatbelt on.
"To the fair we go."

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