Chapter 14

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes look drained, my face has no expressions, I'm basically an empty shell, people keep stealing my pearls leaving me with nothing.

I take a couple more deep breaths before unlocking the door and I make my way to the living room, all 3 of them instantly get up.

"I'm here for answers and I hope you guys won't lie about it!" I say defiantly and sit down on the one seater, I stare at Andrew first, than at Connor, both of them had guilt and regret painted like art on their faces.

I gathered enough guts and turned my gaze to Liam, his eyes were rounded by dark circles, his expression was broken as he stared at me. I looked back to Connor and gave him a nod.

"I was 3 years old when you were dropped on our door!" Connor says nervously. "It was raining and I remember that mom.and dad had a fight earlier because they wanted another child but the doctor said that they couldn't or something, at about 11 pm, the doorbell rung and dad went to open the door but all he found was baby you, bundled up in the blanket in a cute box with a letter!"

"A letter?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, I don't really know what was on it but mom and dad said that you were only supposed to find out about it when you turn 18 so they made me promise them not to spill anything to you before that!" Connor says confidently but nervous.

"What about the using me part?" I ask slightly angry, Andrew sighs and Liam just stares at me.

"We needed a way to get in Liam's dad's nerves and we thought that maybe if he was spotted with someone, a girl, than it would get into his nerves due to his reputation!" Andrew replied. "We had orders from our contact, it was boss's order, we didn't have a choice love, we would never do something like that on purpose!" Andrew pleaded, I sighed in exhaustion.

"I get now why you guys did it and kept it from me but it will still take a while for me to forgive you guys!" I let my gaze fall on Liam for a split second, his face is as expressionless as it was on the day I first saw him. "I'm hungry, can we get some breakfast!" I get up and make my way to the kitchen, I hear them whispering as they follow me in the kitchen.

Connor, Liam and I sit down on the stools whilst Drew takes out the ingredients for breakfast.

"Lea who told you about all this?" Connor asks suspiciously.

"This guy named Damien Hammett, leader of the Scorpions!" I say shrugging.

"That's not possible, Liam's dad is the leader!" Drew says confused.

"That's what he said and by the looks of his mansion and his guards and his really expensive black suit, it sounded like he was telling the truth!" I exclaim thinking back to his stormy gray eyes.

"We need to find a way to find this guy and we need to get in touch with our boss too!" Liam says frustrated, it's probably the first thing he's said since I came out of the room.

"You drugged me!" I say annoyed after a couple of minutes of silence, Andrew gave me an apologetic smile.

"We needed you to calm down before you did something you would have regretted!" Connor says guilty.

"Let's just eat breakfast and than we make our plan mates!" Drew says excited as he places the plates of pancakes on the island and we all dig in.

About 15 minutes later we are all done eating.
The boys do this weird eye contact thingy.

Maybe they have telepathy.

I was about to ask of they have telepathy but Andrew and Connor both got up from their seats.

Ever Since I Met YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz