Chapter 6

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, the guy in my dreams is probably just a made up character or something!" I argued back.

"The guy in your dreams is Liam Lea, okay do you remember your first crush?" Liv asks excited, I snort.

"I can barely remember what I did 5 days ago!" I sigh.

"Wrong, you blocked those memories out and I intend on unlocking them!" Liv says smugly causing me to groan.

"Alright go ahead!" I lay down on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

"William Robert!" I instantly snap up to find Liv grinning.

"That was the first boy that I liked, from that picture that we found in the playground!" I say smiling as I remember the day I saw the picture.

"Yes and describe the 10 year old boy in the picture!" Liv says proudly.

"He had the most blue eyes I had ever seen, his dark brown hair was all styled to perfection, he had this adorable smile in the picture and and he was wearing an adorable dark blue suit!" I  gasp and stare at Liv who has the biggest smile on.

"William Robert Fox!" Liv says excited before she starts jumping witb excitement and a couple seconds I'm doing the same.

"OMG, I can't believe he's real, I thought I was going mad when it was actually all just trapped in my head!" I say and flop down on the bed with the biggest smile.

"Lea Orlando Davis, come down here!" Both me and Liv frown, my mom never ever yells my full name, like ever, so we quickly rush down the stairs nearly tripping and by the time we actually got to the living room we were laugh like maniacs.

Our laughter died the moment we realized that not only mom was here, dad too, Stephanie and her parents too, Stephanie is my neighbor, we're actually really good friends, I mouth a hello to Stephanie and she turns her head causing me to frown.

"Olivia, your mom is outside!" Mom says in this annoyed tone, Liv nods, we hug and than she leaves and I stand there acting as casual as possible.

Why do you they're here?

Well I don't know, if I did than maybe I would have said something.

"Lea what type of books do you have on your phone?" My dad asks in this angry calm tone making me frown again.

"Well I have a lot of books on my phone!" I say and awkwardly stare at everyone.

"Give me your phone!" My dad demands, I look at everyone suspiciously but hand over my phone, about 10 extremely awkward and long minutes my dad gives it back to me. "I deleted wattpad and every other book on your phone, you're grounded!" It takes a while for my brain to process what my dad just said.

"Um I'm sorry what?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Your wattpad account has been deleted too!" My dad says in his calm angry tone, I feel my own anger flare.

"Why would you do that?" I ask calmly, I clench my fists tightly to calm myself.

"Because Stephanie and her parents found some very interesting stuff!" My mom says angry.

"My parents found the books you told me to download!" Stephanie says quietly, I give her a quizzical look.

"Percy Jackson, Lorien legacies!" I say lost.

"Fifty shades of grey!" Her dad says and I look at Stephanie and she stares at the very interesting floor.

"Why would you think I told her to download that?" I ask annoyed.

"You're the one with books!" My dad says angry.

"Stephanie said that you told her in school and she didn't know what it was and she downloaded them!" I look at her mom with a are-you-stupid look.

"Do you have any idea how disgusting and humiliating that is!" My mom says angry, I feel my anger slip.

"I didn't tell her anything about those books!" I say as calmly as possible.

"Stop lying Lea!" Stephanie says staring straight at me. "You told me those books were amazing a couple days ago!" I feel my eyes getting filled with tears.

"I didn't do anything!" I beg looking at my parents.

"We have to talk to Olivia's parents too!" Mom says angry. "Who knows what these girls talk about when they're together!" Mom says disgusted and angry.

"Wait, don't involve Liv's parents, this has nothing to do with her, I'll take the blame!" I say and hand my phone to my dad. "I just wish you guys would believe your own daughter over someone else!" And before I know it my dad takes my phone and throws it on the wall, shattering it into pieces.

"Apologize to them and Stephanie!" Mom says angry, I take a couple more deep breaths before turning to Stepand her parents.

"I apologize for whatever I did!" I say making my voice as neutral as possible, her parents just nod.

"Go to your room!" My dad says angry, I don't look at my parents and just walk up to my room.

The moment I close the door I break, I slide down the door and hug my knees close to my chest.

Come on Lea, breathe, you can get through this.

I try following my brain's advice and breathe but my lungs are being squeezed together as the walls close in.

Focus on something Lea, anything, Liam, picture Liam.

I take a few deep breaths as I think of his deep ocean blue eyes, his messy dark brown hair, his scent.

I don't know for how long I sat there calming myself down but eventually I calmed down, I get up and nearly collapse back down as the pain shoots the my right side, fluff, I forgot to take the painkiller.

I groan as I get my body to walk, I look at the clock and gasp, it's 2 am, geez, I must have fallen asleep, my stomach growls with hunger and I sigh annoyed and drag myself down to the kitchen.

I spot movement in the living room that causes me to snap my head in that direction, I don't think anyone is actually supposed to be awake right now, I grab a knife from the kitchen and clutch it tightly in my hand.

It's close to pitch the living room, a shiver runs up my spine, the feeling that I'm being watched crosses my head for a couple seconds before it disappears, I quickly and as quietly as possible make my way to the light switch and turn it on.

I look around and everything seems pretty normal, I sigh, my brain is playing tricks on me due to the lack of food.

I make myself a sandwich and a cup of tea and take it up to my room, I sit down on the carpet and force myself to eat when I feel someone watching me again, I run to the window and look around and still spot no one.

My heart is beating fast and I basically don't sleep anymore the whole night.


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