Chapter 4: No escape

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TW// abuse, sexual assault

After I heard Gerard close his bedroom door and I was pretty sure the whole house was asleep. I decided to attempt an escape, the plan failed pretty miserably considering my bedroom door was locked but I hadn't lost all hope because there was a small window above my bed I decided to climb up onto my bed and see if it was unlocked and although I wasn't surprised when I found it locked, it was made of glass so I knew I just had to find a way to break it. I search the room until I found a small clock it wasn't very solid but I decided to try anyway I climbed back up onto my bed and started hitting the window with it I even tried with my fists but nothing happened at first I don't know who designed the windows to this place but they must've really thought it through but I finally managed to make a small dent in the window I became hopeful once again but only for a second because an alarm went off. I really was desperate to escape and I tried not to panic but it's scary.

I heard some people rushing around "it's coming from in there" one of the guards shouted and the next thing I knew the bedroom door flung open and the light flickered on and there stood a very angry Gerard in nothing but his boxers and a thin sheet wrapped around his back to like some kind of cape to keep him warm I just stood there staring at him and I hated to admit it but he was attractive, twisted, but good looking, I had to push these thoughts aside as we both stood there staring at each other for a second. Then Gerard dismissed all the guards and locked us both in the room together.

"There's no escape, sweetie, surely you should know I'm not that stupid" he cooed I then realised I was still standing on the bed and I was in my underwear "um-" I began but I cut myself off because I didn't know what to say "come here" he said gesturing me to come over to him with his fingers, he then sat on the floor of my room and I thought about it for a second and reluctantly I slowly went towards him and sat down on the floor directly opposite him "was this all just a big plan so you could see me like this?" he smirked "don't flatter yourself" I said coldly, but he didn't get angry he just ignored me he couldn't stop staring at my body and I was getting very embarrassed and awkward by this considering all the underwear he'd given me was lace and sort of see though I crossed my arms over my chest but he still looked at me "so pretty" he mumbled while staring at my body still, I shivered at the thought of him touching me and not in a good way "can I go back to bed now?" I asked him looking pleadingly into his eyes he shook his head "no I can't trust you in here alone" he smirked I knew what he was thinking and I didn't like it I shook my head violently "no" I said shuffling backwards slightly I think he could see the fear in my eyes "I won't hurt you, sugar, I'll just hold you" he told me although I didn't buy it, it did put my mind at ease a little. He lifted me up and put me back in my bed then he got in behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I hated it.

I didn't want to be anywhere near this monster. Once he was asleep I struggled to get out of his arms I lifted one up and I was about to get up then I saw one eye open and he pulled me back in "Get off me Gerard I don't like it" I told him but instead of that he stretched out his legs and pulled me closer to him with one arm and with the other he started to touch my chest through my bra rubbing little circles all over me I hated it although he hadn't left any marks yet it made me feel so dirty and unclean "stop it!" I shouted and he stopped which surprised me but no I was wrong he made it worse he pinned me to the bed with one hand and the other he used to flip me over onto my back and he climbed onto me I cried and I screamed but he wouldn't get off he started to put hickeys on my neck so I kneed him in the balls and got up trying to run away only to remember he'd locked the door I ran into it hoping to break it but it wouldn't budge. I looked up at the window to see it was only just getting morning it looked about six I'd check the clock but it was broken and so was I.

He was still on the bed in a lot of pain shouting expletives every time he opened his mouth but he managed to get up because he was so angry he was running on adrenaline now "let me out!" I screamed smashing my fists against the door "stop being so stupid if you didn't want it you shouldn't've dressed like such a whore!" he yelled at me trying to justify his obscene actions towards me "go away! Stay away from me!" I fell into a corner and broke down on the floor "well I'll be back for you later when you've calmed down but right now I've got someone's death to attend to" he said darkly as he kicked my shin and left the room slamming the door behind him he didn't even bother to lock it but I had no escape anyway so what was the point, he flicked the light off on his way out and all I could see was a small rectangle of daylight shining through the little window. I didn't get any sleep all night so I just cried all day on the floor in the same position until the evening came and a different man came in and found me in this state.

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