Chapter 2: What a twisted man

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Eventually we got to his house except it's not a house it's a massive mansion I'd normally think this type of thing is cool but not today I was too scared, fear was taking over my body. He held onto my hand even though it was getting all sweaty by now and lead me into the main area of this huge building.

"Now I'll show you to your room, okay?" He said softly which took me by surprise and I followed behind him and up the wide stair case "just through here" he said tightening his grip on my hand as he took me into a very small room and he closed the door behind us. "you're all mine now" he said backing me into a wall "no I'm my own person!" I shouted I tried to keep it in but I was too angry to let him just walk all over me like that I always had had a short temper and I wasn't holding back for him "say what you like sweetheart it won't change reality so I suggest you shut up before I hurt you" I was scared and he was right but adrenaline took over my body and I pushed him out the way attempting to run out the door but he grabbed me by my shoulder and I squealed  "you're a tricky one aren't you?" He spat I just shook my head "I'm not your toy, Way!" And with that he lifted me up and threw me onto the bed "get off me!"  I screamed and struggled against him but it looked like this sick man took pleasure in it, he was way stronger than me and I was starting to get tired "please stop?" I started to beg which made him smile "I think you're due a punishment" he said sinisterly as he held me down with one hand and pulled the knife out with another tears began to fall from my eyes and just drip onto my face "I- I-" but before I could even reason with him his pocket knife pierced into my skin  causing me to shout out at him in agony "I'm sorry- oww" is all I kept saying, he did this for about fifteen minutes carving something out on my arm that I couldn't see.

After he finished he threw me back down onto the bed and flashed an evil smile. This made me feel sick what a twisted man I thought as I cried my self to sleep that night not even bothering to glance at my wrist, what was the point it would only make me feel worse.

I woke up just as it was getting light this morning and I had a single moment of happiness before my brain remembered all the terrible events of yesterday I lifted up my weak arm and saw that he had engraved the name 'Gerard' into my left arm I could only assume that was his first name I began to sob again I probably cried for about an hour this morning before I heard a knock on the bedroom door and saw Mr Way enter. "You vile man..." I began but trailed off remembering what he did to me yesterday he just smiled seeing the realisation on my face and I held up my wrist to show him "it's dried quite nicely hasn't it?" he said smiling at me "leave me alone" I sulked "no you're mine you know that" Honestly it was humiliating and he knew it. I just stared downwards "I brought you some clothes up and you better put them on or I'll put them on you" he really was sick in the head and very abusive I knew he was gonna break me in fact I think he already has "but first have a shower" he ordered pointing to the bathroom next door to my room. I wasn't going to go but he told me he'd be waiting outside and if I wasn't quick enough he'd come in and help me and that really was the last thing I wanted.

I hopped in and washed my hair as quickly as possible but the hot water really was causing pain to my scars but I had to just get on with it after washing I dried myself with a towel and looked at the clothes he'd left for me it was a black low cut tank top and a short black skirt. I hated it. it felt too revealing for my tastes but I know that's exactly what he's going for so I just put got dressed then I heard a knock on the bathroom door "you nearly done, sugar?" Gerard asked almost rhetorically "yes give me a sec" and with that I opened the door to see him smirking. God he really needed a punch.

"you look stunning, sweetheart" he said to me but that just made me very uncomfortable he ordered me to brush my teeth then once that was done he took me down to the kitchen.

"I want you to eat, y/n" he said eyeing me "I'm not hungry" I told him even though I was quite peckish I didn't want to obey him. "Eat or I'll finish what we started last night" he said sternly as he looked at my arm and then at me I just nodded and I began to eat some cereal that he'd got one of the staff to make for me. "You might be a bit difficult but you're so worth it" he said to me I decided it was best to just ignore him I'm gonna try and avoid interaction with him as much as possible I thought to myself.

But that didn't last long.

"I need you to come to a meeting with me" he said and I knew this wasn't a question but an order so I didn't say anything. "Are you listening?!" He snapped at me and I nodded "you're a quiet one aren't you?" He said looking over at me although I wasn't looking at him I could feel his eyes on me "wonder why" I mumbled under my breath "stop being so ungrateful!" He yelled out and I just said sorry quickly the last thing I wanted was for him to be angry at me again.

"Why do I have to be there?" I asked him "something to look at" he said shrugging "I'm not a-" I began but he put his finger on my lips and said "shh" and I shut up I was so angry inside but I was powerless here so I just left it.

"Mr Way, Mr Iero is here to discuss business matters" someone said "send him into the office I'll be there in a second" and so he did.

"You better behave and stay silent and speak when spoken to and only that or they'll be trouble" he said sternly I just nodded "understood" I said after swallowing a ball of saliva.

No, Way   [Mafia Gerard Way x Female reader]Where stories live. Discover now