Chapter 23: Deal

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After a day or so of refusing to talk to Gerard he finally gave in and agreed he'd try and get Jamie back soon he just needed time to think how. I didn't know if he actually was going to but I decided to believe him because I wanted it to be true. "Please Gerard get him back" I said with tears running down my cheeks "I said I'll try but if you keep going on about it then maybe I won't" he said irritatedly and rolling his eyes "now come here and give me a kiss we haven't had one of those in a while" I shook my head looking him dead in the eyes we were standing at opposite sides of the room but he walked a little closer "sugar. Here. Now" he ordered "no" I said firmly but he just came up to me and kissed me anyway "show a little more respect now kiss me properly and I'll get Jamie back" he said grinning evilly I sighed and kissed his lips they always felt so soft and I actually liked kissing him when he was being nice to me and if he wasn't so horrible to me most of the time then maybe I'd truly love him. "Right I'll go and make a few phone calls, I'll trade in Bryar to get him back" Gee said looking into my eyes and holding my waist "thank you" I said almost as a whisper. He then let go of me and went to his office I went down stairs to tell Mikey the good news.

"Mikey, Gee's trying to get him back" I said excitedly "that's amazing" he smiled which he so rarely does, giving me a hug, even though he was kind of weird when I met him and he said some uncomfortable things to me before I was actually starting to like Mikey now he was the closest thing I had these days to a friend even if he was the brother of my captor. "You know Gee doesn't mean to hurt you he just loves you a lot" Mikey said looking at me and those words stuck in my mind because it didn't make sense but I didn't say anything I just nodded the last thing I wanted was to fall out with Mikey. I know Gerard doesn't love me if he did he wouldn't've done all this stuff to hurt me and he most definitely wouldn't've taken my son away.

All of a sudden Gerard came into the room and he saw me with Mikey again "sugar. A word" he said looking at me gesturing me to follow him I sighed and walked over to him he took my hand and walked me to his office I went and sat in there with him on his lap "what's going on between you and Mikey?" He asked suspiciously "nothing he's just like a friend I suppose" I said to him honestly "a friend? A friend ay sugar?" He questioned shaking his head "a sweet girl like you friends with him?" He questioned again as if he didn't believe me "yes Gerard a friend" I said once again telling the truth I was afraid of what he would do though "he doesn't want to be your friend sugar, what do you think he might want, from you?" He asked softly which made me angry the way he spoke to me like a child "It's not like that" "he does terrible things to girls likes you" he said kissing the side of my neck I hated how weak he made me how stupid I was around him "I don't believe he'd do that to me, Gee, he knows I'm...he knows I'm yours" I sighed I made my self feel sick even saying that he then lifted me up and turned me around to face him "you're so pretty, you're all mine and I don't want to lose you I don't want you to get hurt" "but you are the one who got me hurt in the first place" I told him sadly "I know and I'm willing to fix it, sweetheart, so I've decided to trade in Bob to work for them for free in order to get our son back" he said as he kissed my lips gently. "Thank you, Gerard" I don't even know why I said it because he was the one who started all this mess in the first place, I was just relieved that there was a likely chance I would get to see my son again.

No, Way   [Mafia Gerard Way x Female reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant