Chapter 5: apology

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I looked up at him "so you must be the y/n that I've heard so much about?" He questioned looking down at me and seeing me on the floor I just nodded "what's wrong?" He asked me "G-G-Gerard" I finally managed to say "that's my brother for ya he's a nice guy you've just gotta give him a chance" he said as he crouched down beside me. Brother? I thought to myself oh god there's two of them, but did he really just say Gerard's a nice guy I wonder if it's the same guy we're talking about "Gerard Way he's an evil man" I sobbed trying to see if it's the same Gerard we're both talking about "hey you barely know him maybe if you respected him then he wouldn't be so bad" I just rolled my eyes, yep definitely the same one and his brother doesn't seem too understating either "I'm Mikey by the way" he said introducing himself I just nodded I didn't like him either. "You're really hot you know that" he said looking at me giving me the sudden realisation that I was still in my underwear he traced my jawline with his index finger "Gerard's a lucky man...anyway I'll see you around Gee should be back soon anyway" he told me looking behind him to make sure he hadn't already returned and I sighed assuming that Gee was what he called Gerard.

I stood up and saw that it was already getting late and Mikey was right Gerard would be back any minute so I decided I should get changed in a minute plus I was really hungry as well considering all I'd done today was sit on the floor in a corner and cried. I stood up to look for some clothes but then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist "get off" I squeaked "it's alright it's only me, sugar" he said into my ear "please Gerard can you get off me" I asked him nicely but he just pulled me closer to him and then he let go and turned me around "you've dressed up for me?" He said excitedly looking at me in my bra and panties I shook my head "no" "no?" He repeated as a question "I've been like this all day" I told him looking at my feet "have you come to apologise to me yet, sugar?" He asked me even though he was the one who should be apologising to me, I was feeling brave for some reason and said "for what?" He looked irritated by me "kicking me this morning" "what about what you did to me?" I asked in response "it doesn't matter what I did because you're mine do I need to remind you what your arm says" I shook my head and sighed "I'm sorry Gerard" I said to him as he lifted my chin up with his thumb I started to tear up not because of how sorry I was but because I was apologising for defending myself from him he wiped a tear from my cheek "how are you gonna say sorry?" He asked looking into my eyes "you gonna kiss it better?" He asked looking down at his crotch and that genuinely made me want to be sick "Gerard I'll never willingly sleep with you or do anything like that" I told him firmly "you will one day and you'll love it" he said making me shiver with fear and discomfort "I tell you what I won't punish you anymore today if you give me a kiss" he said smirking down at me "and if I don't?" He reached in his pocket took the knife out and then looked at my other arm, I swallowed I was so scared I shook my head "I'll kiss you" I finally agreed wanting to be sick just from hearing those words leave my mouth. He leaned into me "on the lips?" I asked him with a shaky voice "on the lips" he confirmed and i leant in and kissed his lips I tried to pull away immediately but he put his hands up in my hair holding my head to his so I couldn't escape his touch. Eventually after what felt like a life time but was probably only a few seconds he let me pull away "I liked that" he smiled down at me "can I get dressed now?" I asked him and he nodded and left me for about ten minutes.

Then he came back up to get me he saw me dressed in a short skirt and a little red tank top, on the floor I was crying he stood in the door way for a few seconds before I noticed him "sweetheart?" He asked me I didn't respond I hated him calling me those nicknames rarely did he just call me 'y/n'. I just looked up at him he saw my tear stained face "come on shhh shh" he said as he came in and crouched down beside me "what's wrong?" He asked me "I hate it here" I answered truthfully, well sort of it wasn't exactly the place I hated it was the people in it, it was Gerard, it was Frank and Mikey and all the guards. "I promise you, sugar, you're just getting used to it you'll love it soon" he told me as he rubbed my back I didn't stop him because I was too weak to fight with him anyway but whenever he touched me I felt so unclean, I knew no matter how many times I washed it would never wash away his touch. He helped me up and held my hand as he took me to the kitchen he handed me a tissue and I wiped way my tears. "So pretty" he told me even if I didn't like it when he said it or even believe it I just had to go along with it "I've got to go to my office for a meeting, sugar, but when I return I want you to have made our dinner because we haven't properly sat down together in the evening yet" I nodded and he left the room, oh god now the pressure is on.

No, Way   [Mafia Gerard Way x Female reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora