Chapter 12: Ruined my life twice

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Time skip to one month later

"Gerard?" I complained "what is it?" "I keep getting sick in the morning I mean it's probably nothing but I don't know" I told him and his face lit up "sugar, do you think you might be pregnant?" "Well it seems like it but I can't be because I've never had sex" I assured him "don't you remember?" It felt like everything had stopped I was terrified because I don't know what he's on about or what has happened "when we went out last month and we got drunk and me and you did it?" he confirmed the worst case scenario playing in my head "o-oh" is all I managed to say. Now hundreds of things ran through my head "s-so why?" Is all I could say "because you wanted it" I suspect he was lying but I have no proof so what's the point he called one of his staff to get a pregnancy test and I went to the bathroom and took it.

Gerard's pov:
I couldn't believe she hadn't remembered maybe she was more drunk than I thought. But if she is pregnant then I'm gonna have to marry her because I can't have my child being illegitimate because they won't be able to take over my job when I'm gone. I hope she is pregnant though and I suspect she will be but I am scared for her and I don't know how she's gonna take it. I'd hate to hurt her because I've done enough of that already but she's got to learn. And I love her I really do but I can't have her disrespecting me and getting away with it.

Back to y/n pov:

I opened the bathroom door and I saw Gerard sitting on the bed and he looked up at me intently "I'm pregnant" I began to cry "that's good news isn't it?" He asked me joyously "no it's not and it's all your fault!" I shouted at him "you shout at me again sugar and I'll hit you" he said angrily as he restrained himself from hitting my face. I just stared down at the floor and held my tears back for a moment then I walked over to the bed and cried into the pillow. I stopped crying as hard for a second and looked at him as tears still fell from my eyes "please can I get rid of it?" I sobbed "no, I'm afraid you can't, this is my child and we're going to do this properly" he explained and I was so heartbroken how could one man ruin my life twice. I then just went back to burying my head in the sheets "sugar look at me" he said sternly but I just ignored him "look at me" he repeated himself in a softer tone and I glanced over at him "you do anything on purpose to harm or get rid of my child and I'll make you regret it" he threatened "it's not just yours I'm the one who has to carry it I won't do anything stupid the only thing stupid I've done is you!" I screamed at him and he went over to me and picked me up and placed me on his lap facing him "you better behave yourself but if you didn't want a child then you should've said something at the time but no you only care about yourself you asked me to cum inside you" he said talking to me in a tone as if I was a child who didn't know anything "you're gonna be a good girl for me and you're gonna go through with the pregnancy. Okay?" He said whilst staring into my eyes the whole time "no Gerard this is too far" "sugar you're gonna be with me every second of the day from now on weather you like it or not" he said to me in sternly I just sighed and gave up. He took me into his arms when he saw he'd won.

——time skip——

It's been three weeks since I found out I was pregnant but I found out I'm about 7 weeks along now Gerard has been holding me all the time he's been making sure to not leave me on my own and it's getting on my nerves but there's nothing I can do.

Today I was just bored sitting in his office as he did work and looked up every two minutes to make sure I was still there after a while he put his papers down and turned to look at me properly "I need to talk to you" he said "you've done the same thing to another girl?" I said in a monotone voice "no sugar, I would never," he said as he stroked the side of my face "it's just- it's just" I'd never seen him so lost for words in my entire time of knowing him "I know you don't want it now but it'll be worth it in the end I promise" he said looking into my eyes "but that's not really what this is about, sugar, you're going to marry me, normally I would've waited for you but with the baby and all" he grinned I said nothing I was gonna have a life of unhappiness and misery because of him.

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