Chapter 26: I love Gee I'd do anything for him

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I had noticed a change in Gerard as of lately he seemed to be more understanding, more gentle and even nice at times and I really hated myself for it but I started to become attached to him. I wanted to be around him at all times I wanted to do everything with him and he definitely noticed me change he looked more happy these days.

I spent more time with Gee and Jamie as a family like Gee had promised me ages ago. Today he had to fly out somewhere to attend a meeting and said that I couldn't come because they'll hurt me I didn't know weather to believe him or not but I guess Gerard knows best. I was really upset that he was going out and leaving me behind. I helped him pack his things "you know I'm gonna miss you a lot, Gee" I said looking at him "I know and I'll miss you too but it's only for three days" he said as he zipped up his suitcase "what am I supposed to do without you?" "Stay out of trouble and give me a call before bed" he said as he got one of his staff to take his luggage. "I get scared without you though" "don't be just remember I love you" he said kissing my face lightly. Then he went to say goodbye to Jamie.

We went downstairs and I cooked for Gee I didn't used to like doing that but now I liked it because it made him happy after we had eaten it was time for Gee to get ready to go. "I don't want you to go" I said to him "you'll be fine, trust me" he said putting his coat and shoes on and I put my arms around his neck "I'll miss you" I whispered to him "I'll miss you too but what's got into you lately you used to hate being around me?" "I don't know Gee I don't know I guess you just made me realise that we're meant to be" I said kissing his nose "I love you" he whispered "I- I love you too" and when I said that he grinned "now you've got to let me go sweetheart" I loosened my arms from his neck and he gently took them away kissing my lips "be good" he smiled "I hope you have fun" "chance would be a fine thing" he said.

Eventually he had to leave and I was upset at the thought I wouldn't get to see him for three whole days, what has happened to me? why do I have feelings for him? why do I miss him? So many questions and not enough answers it was already dark out but it was only 7:00pm I went into the living room, Mikey was also in there and sat on the sofa and sighed at all these questions in my mind "everything okay y/n?" He asked "hm well I dunno...I guess I'm gonna miss Gee but I don't know why I know he's been good to me lately but all the things he's done to me in the past doesn't excuse it" "he's a good man my brother he loves you a lot I know he does but if you ever feel lonely you come and see me, yeah?" he said "okay...I just wish I could've gone with him" I sighed "do you think maybe he didn't take you with because he wanted to have some fun while he was there?" "What are you suggesting, Mikey?" I said shivering at the thought "well maybe he wants someone who will actually sleep with him" He said explaining his thought process, I thought about it how I hadn't slept with Gee properly yet and I wanted to I just wanted to be ready and I thought some more and it would make sense but then I thought how the fuck does Mikey know about that? "Mikey how do you know that I don't sleep with Gee?" "It's obvious
y/n you two don't exactly seem madly in love or anything" "but I love Gee I do I'd- I'd do anything for him" once Mikey put that idea in my head I knew I wouldn't be able to relax until Gerard got back I decided to give him a call I ran upstairs with a few tears in my eyes and gave him a call I didn't have a phone of my own for obvious reasons so I had to use the landline which was in our room. "Hello?" He answered "Gee?" I said sobbing a little "sugar? I've been gone two hours what could you possible want?" He asked confused " are going to a meeting aren't you not to you know?" "What? What are you on about?" He said sounding very confused "you're not going to sleep with other people are you?" I asked "what?! No I'd never do that" he said astounded "it's just Mikey said-" "don't listen to Mikey sweetheart he wants you I told you this before stay away from him" "o-okay" I sighed feeling very stupid for even believing Mikey "remember I love you don't doubt it don't let anyone tell you otherwise now I think you should get some sleep" "okay I love you too Gee" "I love you sugar" and with that he put down the phone I went to bed feeling a bit better after talking with Gerard although it was lonely without him holding me I decided that when he got back I'd show him how much I really loved him.

It took me a little longer than usual to get to sleep but it was okay until I was rudely awakened in the middle of the night by the door opening and the hall light flooding the room with brightness I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see what it was all about and who do I see in the doorway? of course it's only Mikey fuckin' Way.

"What do you want?" I hissed "you" he smirked "go away and I won't tell Gee" "he doesn't care he's probably fucking with some tart now anyway" "he's not I already spoke to him earlier now go away!" I said raising my voice a little I mean to be fair to Mikey he seemed sort of drunk and I mean from what I've seen he doesn't exactly get a lot of action "fine but if you don't I'll just tell Gee how you tried to come on to me how you begged for me" he smirked I thought about it for a second and then I realised that there's probably cctv here anyway "fine tell him that" I said annoyed that he was interrupting my sleep. He just stormed off closing the door but after that it was hard to relax I don't even think I managed to get back to sleep. I decided I wasn't going to mention last night to Gee because knowing my luck Mikey will make something up and have Gee believe it. I just wanted Gerard back.

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