Chapter 16: I love you

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Me and Gee had been married a week now he didn't treat me any different than before I'm not sure if I prefer that or not. He's more gentle with me now because I'm carrying his child that's what he always refers to the baby as not like it's growing inside me or anything.

Today I've been feeling pretty tired and not too good today and I think it's because the pregnancy but I think Gerard is annoyed with how I am at the moment but just think how I feel. I was sitting with him in his office I just wanted someone to talk to I became pretty lonely while he worked so I sat with him he liked having me there he told me himself but I don't think he wanted me talking to him when he was trying to concentrate "Gerard?" I said but he ignored me I think he was reading through something, but I was feeling agitated I don't know why I think it's just the hormones and the pregnancy "Gerard?" I repeated sounding more frustrated "shhh" he said trying to shut me up while he did this "give me a second" he said as he signed some document and then threw the pen aggressively on the desk "Sugar, you know I've got to work, you being pregnant isn't an excuse for you to act up" he said in an annoyed tone "oh for fuck sake I just wanted to talk" I said running off crying I don't know what it was but I was just very tired and emotional today he looked a little confused but just left me alone.

I ran upstairs to cry I couldn't believe this is where I'd ended up I never really liked my parents but now I resented them for dropping me in this mess in the first place. That's when I saw Mikey he was standing outside mine and Gerard's room leaning against the doorway and not letting me in "Mikey get out the way" I said angrily but he just smirked "aww you're an aggressive one now aren't you?" "Mikey stop it I'll get Gerard" Mikey just laughed at my attempt to ward him off so I ran to get Gerard quickly knocking on the door "Go away I'm working!" He yelled but I came in anyway but this just made him angry "Sugar. Out." He ordered but I stayed "Bu-" I tried to tell him about Mikey but he was having none of it and cut me off almost instantly "I'm working you've been a bitch all day I'll come and see you later now leave me" he huffed.

When I returned back upstairs Mikey had gone he must've had some business to deal with or something well whatever it was I was grateful for it. I shut the door and placed a chair in front of it in case he tried to come back. I cried a little bit until I couldn't anymore then a bit later I was feeling kind of horny so I decided to touch myself I sat on mine and Gerard's bed and began to rub my clit and moan I must've been there a while because Gerard opened the door knocking over the chair I used to barricade myself in, he looked like he came in here to tell me off but when he saw what I was doing he couldn't believe it "such a slut" he said gritting his teeth, I quickly moved my hand away from up my skirt "is that what you wanted earlier?" he asked me I shook my head "n-" but he didn't even let me explain "do you want Gerard to touch you?" he cooed addressing himself in third person "no" I mumbled "so you only want to be touched like that by yourself?" He asked "yes" I confirmed "you're mine though, sugar, that's mine, not yours" he said pointing at my body "no" I said shaking my head "I don't want you to touch me" I said to him clearly "well if I can't have you then neither can you" he smirked as he lay down beside me "can't wait to make a brother or sister for this one?" He chuckled pointing at my bump "there won't be another" I mumbled under my breath, he turned my head to look at him "there will and I'll make sure" he said firmly I just sighed. "Gerard, why were you so rude to me earlier?" I asked him as I lay my head on his chest looking up at him "Rude?" He scoffed "you were being annoying, sugar, I've got work I'm a busy man, you're lucky to not have to work" he said in a softer tone. Cor I'm far from lucky. "Yeah but I wanted to be with you" I said placing a small kiss on the bottom of his chin, "I know I know but my job's important, sweetheart, and well how do I put this? you are- less so" ouch. That hurt. He must've seen the sadness in my face "but you're beautiful and sweet and I love you so much" he said moving the hair out my face. And that's when I said it. I didn't mean to it kind of just slipped out "I love you" I whispered tracing my fingers around his jawline. I don't know why I said it. I wasn't sure if it felt right to say it. I wasn't sure of anything anymore. But it was too late now I'd said it. Even if I immediately regretted it. He looked delighted "what was that sugar?" He asked with a huge smile on his face knowing full well what I said  "" I whispered still looking up at him but I couldn't bring myself to say the last bit again. He looked down at my face and smiled he stroked the back of his two fingers against my cheek "you" he smiled finishing off my sentence and leaning down to kiss my lips. "I've been waiting to hear that for ages" he smiled genuinely, I liked making him happy and I don't know why maybe I did love him...I think he's finally broken me.

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